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Cops using tech to combat writers


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you all will never be able to stop graffiti. The second you come up with something to fight it, there will be a new idea on how to get past it.

The problem is the federal government is so corrupted that focusing on these minor problems are more a diversion than anything else. The masses would rather focus on small crimes than the gigantic ones members of our government are commiting.



that guy knows his shit.

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wow they spend all that time and energy for nothing, how about they use that for something usefull, like learning to be openminded, or useing the money to clean real filth off the streets, getting the homeless jobs etc. but instead there prolly spending ''tax'' money to do that shit...

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Not only that, but if you looked at the "Policebots" That is SO easy to get away from. Most of us hide our faces when we paint, so just pull out a blade, slice the net, and boot er out of there as fast as you can. Or if you're in a big enough city, climb a building. The fall down to the ground isn't that high, right? =P Quite frankly, I have climbed to avoid being caught by police, and even staying on one building it works. It was fucking hilarious. Cause the building had a ladder leading up to a platform. Then when you're on the platform, you stand on the rail, and grab another rail, and just climb through it, bam you're on the roof. So, I'm on the metal platform with a rather heavy pair of boots, a bag of paint and some markers, and the cop turns the corner, looks up, and radios that he thinks he sees me, but doesn't want to come up without backup. Dumb bitch walks away, and I start to slowly climb down, being mindful of my area, and the fact that he could be around the corner. So, I took a piece of wood from the platform, and dropped it. It hit the propane tank, no one came by, so I slid pretty much down the ladder, and peered around the corner, and he went into the building. It was a pub, and the platform was only there cause the air vent was below it, and it takes the air from the kitchen. So, there was no window, and dumb cop goes in, and I go down. I look around, and no one is coming, so I peel off my clothes, and have my underlayers on, and toss my other shit in my bag, and wrap my stuff in it. So, I go inside, and get a drink, see the cop sitting down smoking, and I have my drink, and leave when the other dudes get there. They drove off after checking the roof, and didn't look twice. Fun time.

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Not only that, but if you looked at the "Policebots" That is SO easy to get away from. Most of us hide our faces when we paint, so just pull out a blade, slice the net, and boot er out of there as fast as you can. Or if you're in a big enough city, climb a building. The fall down to the ground isn't that high, right? =P Quite frankly, I have climbed to avoid being caught by police, and even staying on one building it works. It was fucking hilarious. Cause the building had a ladder leading up to a platform. Then when you're on the platform, you stand on the rail, and grab another rail, and just climb through it, bam you're on the roof. So, I'm on the metal platform with a rather heavy pair of boots, a bag of paint and some markers, and the cop turns the corner, looks up, and radios that he thinks he sees me, but doesn't want to come up without backup. Dumb bitch walks away, and I start to slowly climb down, being mindful of my area, and the fact that he could be around the corner. So, I took a piece of wood from the platform, and dropped it. It hit the propane tank, no one came by, so I slid pretty much down the ladder, and peered around the corner, and he went into the building. It was a pub, and the platform was only there cause the air vent was below it, and it takes the air from the kitchen. So, there was no window, and dumb cop goes in, and I go down. I look around, and no one is coming, so I peel off my clothes, and have my underlayers on, and toss my other shit in my bag, and wrap my stuff in it. So, I go inside, and get a drink, see the cop sitting down smoking, and I have my drink, and leave when the other dudes get there. They drove off after checking the roof, and didn't look twice. Fun time.

Tell us another story uncle Syfr...!



and WTF is a policebot?!?!

..sounds fuckin' retarded

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liquidflow needs to stfu.

the only way to find out what something is to ask. And don't even say that you have never asked a question b4.

You are the fucking dumbass and I don't care how 'hard core' you are. That sense of immortaliazation that you seem to front for no fucking reason is going to get you caught one day. trust that.

What where is "here"? you don't know MY city!!:p


We don't have the bots here in New York City anyways. Or at least i've never heard of them...but i guess i would have by now if we did.


and that net shit is retarded.

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look at this new thing "graffiti tracker"




so this graffiti tracker thing made graffiti go down 31% in the past 3 years? wheres the evidence!? that whole video is bullshit. first of all, they only caught a juvenile. secondly, the "treasure box" of intelligence that they got as a result of tracking this kid was that they carry paint in a backpack w/ a camera (no shit, what else are you to carry your shit in? a briefcase?), different types of paint, and specialized tips. what a treasure...


and yeah, that is why you don't shit where you sleep.

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Asset Protection Unit patrols caught one

vandal red handed and narrowly missed


The APU is part of the Customer Service

Officer team and helps to protect rail assets

from the loving attention of vandals.

Patrols on Friday, 11 May, caught one

graffiti vandal red-handed at North


Another tagger,

busy at Windsor


managed to

scarper before



(but was

probably glad he was wearing his brown


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How fucking stupid can you be. Deny, deny, deny, admit to what you were caught with and nothing else, they got no proof that YOU did those tags. How stupid can they be? They're revealing the methods they use to try to catch vandals, why not put on the news the every move of the military on iraq so they know too.

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How fucking stupid can you be. Deny, deny, deny, admit to what you were caught with and nothing else, they got no proof that YOU did those tags. How stupid can they be? They're revealing the methods they use to try to catch vandals, why not put on the news the every move of the military on iraq so they know too.


but its not like their methods are "revealing", All it takes is logic to know not to paint all of your shit in one area.

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