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fat ralphy

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17 at the beach across the street from my house with this girl from school who was the hottest filipino/latina/white chick i've ever seen. i managed to get her pregnant within the first few times we fucked. we're still together now and we're having our second child.



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Are you kidding me. I fuck like everyday is my first and last day of ever getting the poon.


no doubt but usually the first time you have no skills what so ever...and funny shit goes down like for instance i fucked a girl in the dirt at a church...thats comedy...i usually go major ruthless on the poon to the point where i can only fuck a couple times a day cuz any more then that my girl is like "owow, its hurts go slow"

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17. Drunk. Closed my Eyes. Bedroom.




Forgot to mention that the condom broke and I spend $40 on morning after pills (which my best friends older brother had to buy for me)


Waiting two weeks to see if the girl you fucked but dont really like....wondering if you're gonna be a father...that sucks...

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Whoa....WTF is that power exchange shit??? You just pay to get in and walk around and have sex with people?? That is kind of gross. I would hate to be the janitor there.


the power exchange is this club where you go in and see the wierdest shit ever


if youre expecting to see beautiful women there forget it


its mostly old guys and gay guys and trannies


pretty much a bunch of guys


when i went there the only women were either fat or a dominatrix or both

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16 at my crib, my girlfriend came over on her way to the video store, and for some reason we started fuckin, I was a virgin and so was she, and next thing I know her mom and my mom were banging on my door" open up" i made her put her close back on and climb out the window, she drove off as I opened the door to hear alot of bitching. I pretended I was sleeping at 10pm. I never thought I would see her again, I dated her for 5 years, then she became a super whore and now I treat bitches like shit and fuck there bestfriends....



this thread is awesom

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i had already been with quite a few girls prior to having actual sex so it definitely wasnt as exciting as it should have been. then again, when i read through this thread, im kind of glad i eased into it. you guys are all about some heffers.

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I like to think I am fat.

That way there is never any pressure to try to appear sexy.

Because I can't really pull sexy off all that well.

I can't really pull off looking tough or mean either.

When I try, people just say,

"How cute is that?"


Fat girls are good cooks.

I am a good cook.

So by using deductive reasoning, I must be a fat girl.


Dudes like me.

For reasons I understand.

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