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The I hate shaking boogiehands thread.


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Anyone else on here hate the excess use of shaking hands these days like I do? For instance, you walk into a party and there's like 8 dudes you know and all 8 are like "ey' wassup!" with their grimy, hairy, sweaty hand extended waiting from some grip. One by one they shake your hand, each one passing on a new strain of disgustingness that overlaps the last man's. By the time you go down the line, your hand feels like it has a film of ...God knows what on it. The worst part is, if you don't sneak out later you have to do it all over again. Rough. I hate shaking hands. Shit is disgusting.

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Re: The I hate shaking hands thread.


i dont like shaking hands if i know the other people dont wash their hands after going to the bathroom, etc. i also dislike waking up way before im supposed to, like at 5am this morning.

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Re: The I hate shaking hands thread.


this thread is very fitting for me..



i know what you mean, having to give dap like 6, 7 times in a row..

the germs are one thing, the process is another..


some people are like "aight cool" other people want to twist and snap and shit and make even more of a pressured contact with my hand that is even more germious and unnecessary. there is always that one person who you dont know that well or dont really give a shit about but you feel inclined to give the handshake to because they are with everyone else and you just shook all their hands or whatever....


i can totally relate..

that after feeling you get from multiple handshakes is one of the most disgusting feelings ever



im a big fan of "the pound"

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Re: The I hate shaking hands thread.


im not too worried about germs, i dont stick my fingers in my mouth and i always wash my hands before i eat. the whole process makes me uncomfortable though. like when you're the last dude to enter at the meeting and you gotta go through 15-20 cats just to sit down. fuck that.

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Re: The I hate shaking hands thread.



i think thats where daps come in cuh.

what i do hate is when crackheads try to shake your hand and ill look at em like wtf are u mad?


or even better use the respect knuckles


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Re: The I hate shaking hands thread.


the wanksta slap in the hand is worst.


try to avoid it as much as u can if u dont like it,its not weird to not shake hands,yet dont leave people hanging with their hands in the air.


shake when they offer,its not an obligation.

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Re: The I hate shaking hands thread.



i think thats where daps come in cuh.

what i do hate is when crackheads try to shake your hand and ill look at em like wtf are u mad?


or even better use the respect knuckles




some dude on another board had the username "respect knuckles"


never knew what it meant til now.

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