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The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread

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why are you jocking a kaws/mac tag? he has plenty of stuff at that spot.


it's not about who's tag it was.. it's about the fact that it's there and it was history...

even if it was someone not as known as kaws, like an old what4 or praze tag that didn't get buffed for 15 years, it's jersey history that's not there anymore...


the fact that what was painted over it really has no stylistic merit , it just goes to show the new jack mentality of no respect for something that's larger than the individual artist...


but you can't really expect toys to understand anything other than what toys understand these days...


i just can't wait til the other aspects of graffiti make a comeback, like eye jammies and vamping...

it's gonna be a blast when toys start coppin pleas on some "but i'm just trying to have funnnn...please stop punching me...why do you take it so personal?..i didn't mean what i said on the internet"

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it's not about who's tag it was.. it's about the fact that it's there and it was history...

even if it was someone not as known as kaws, like an old what4 or praze tag that didn't get buffed for 15 years, it's jersey history that's not there anymore...


the fact that what was painted over it really has no stylistic merit , it just goes to show the new jack mentality of no respect for something that's larger than the individual artist...


but you can't really expect toys to understand anything other than what toys understand these days...


i just can't wait til the other aspects of graffiti make a comeback, like eye jammies and vamping...

it's gonna be a blast when toys start coppin pleas on some "but i'm just trying to have funnnn...please stop punching me...why do you take it so personal?..i didn't mean what i said on the internet"


word up warpig,. ive been saying this with my boys for a while ,. i think robbing toys is gonna be my new hobby ,. and i know a place where theres a havon of em ,. and a majority of them do rock tight ass emo pants which is funny ,. graff got way to friendly i think

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jersey official goin all out the last few days. i been loving the hate. no joke.


tight pants are deff gay. i dont fucking get it. you people are guys. quit the emo homo shit. thats for fuckin pansy ass homos. which i guess u people are. but come on now, u expect people to take you serious in girls pants? get a hold of urself. do u people look i the mirror ever? u look like idiots.


as for paint steeling, that is too good. get it done! we need more shit by people like jersey offical and such. free paint = good paint! get on it

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hahaha i'm agreeing with you in my opinion girl jeans are and look stupid. but i still don't understand how this makes you gay..maybe metrosexual is the word your looking for?? I thought you people would have a better understanding of different lifestyles/subcultures that go against the social norm(cause you are involved in one) and have a little bit more of an open mind even if you didn't agree...but whatever haha maybe i'm lookinginto this too hard...i guess the final thought is that girls jeans aka "tight emo jeans" look stupid...haha wtf is emo anyways

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are u defending guys wearing girl pants? what is this world coming to. there is lots of shit that goes against the norms in todays world. anyway u look at it, girls pants are for girls, guys pants are for guys. its pretty simple. im done with this topic.


emo = faggot toys that wear tight pants or girls pants. also listens to music that sounds like this....... "my pants are so tight my dick dont work no more so my girlfriend broke up with me and now im going to sing a song about it and cry....wah wah wah"

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but that's the thing...when everyone goes against the "social norm" in the same way, that just becomes the new "social norm"...


"i wanna be different, just like everyone else"


like..maybe the first asshole who was on some "you know...i really hate my balls, and i want to choke the shit out of them...hmmmm.. i'm gonna start rockin my sister's jeans" was going againt the social norm but after the millionth asshole did it, i think it just became known as a trend...


if you really want to go against the social norm then you need to understand how society works and the concepts of populism and conformity...dressing different is not a social statement...it just falls under the category of fashion...


also emo = acting gay to bag hoes...

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hahaha what ?! I when did i ever say i thought dudes that wear girl jeans looked cool?? o wait i didn't.. i just don't understand why you people care so much....but i was actually agreeing with you for the most part but i guess you are too stupid to realize this.."what is the world coming to"


/end topic


to war pigs...thank you for posting an educated argument most people on here don't but what can i expect it is just a message board. I guess the point i was trying to make was i just don't understand how certain clothing makes one excel at graffiti...i guess i mis understood the rhetoric. my apologies moreee flickssss

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why are you jocking a kaws/mac tag? he has plenty of stuff at that spot.



not that my opinion matters..buuuuttttt kaws and mac dont have plenty of stuff at that spot...cats shouldnt be in places goin over legends to get a "hot spot"...that was kaws and mac's "hot spot"...but what ever....and here is some stolen shit i stole...


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caring about that shit is almost as stupid as caring about some dude wearing a shirt long enough to be considered a dress...but thats not gay?

....or pants that end at his ankles.

so they might be shorts?

but they might be pants??

who knows?....who fucking cares?

if your cool im not gonna give a fuck if your white and rock a dashiki..


this is a no win argument that started because someone went over a 15 year old kaws tag...leave it at that.


unless your real point in the matter is, because someone dresses like that, theyre obviously into trends, therefore probably are only into graffiti because its "hot" right now, and will just blow through when they next trend catches on..hopefully sky diving without a parachute..thus, not knowing or caring enough about the history of theyre state of graffiti..then i can understand where your coming from mentioning all of the fashion shit..

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why are you jocking a kaws/mac tag? he has plenty of stuff at that spot.



not that my opinion matters..buuuuttttt kaws and mac dont have plenty of stuff at that spot...cats shouldnt be in places goin over legends to get a "hot spot"...that was kaws and mac's "hot spot"...but what ever....and here is some stolen shit i stole...



I caught wreck on this girls face the other night...looked like an extinguisher tag porn style....mad drips kid mad drips...

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