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First Republican Debate


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michele malkin can offically stfu


Reason: What did you mean when you told the Scholars that "the [9/11] investigation is an investigation in which there were government cover-ups"?


Paul: I do think there were cover-ups, and I think it was mainly to cover up who was blamed, who's inept. See, they had the information. The FBI had an agent who was very much aware of the terrorists getting flight lessons but obviously not training to be pilots. He reported it 70 times or whatever and it was totally ignored. We were spending $40 billion a year on intelligence. It wasn't a lack of money or a lack of intelligence, it was a lack of the ability to put the intelligence together. Even the administration had been forewarned that something was coming, the CIA had been forewarned. So it was a cover up of who to blame. I see it more that way.


Reason: The position of the Student Scholars is that 9/11 was executed by the U.S. government. Do you agree or disagree with that?


Paul: I'd say there's no evidence of that.


Reason: So what did you mean when you told Student Scholars you'd be open to a new 9/11 investigation?


Paul: Well, I think the more we know about what we went on is good. But I don't think there's any evidence of [an inside job] and I don't believe that. The blame goes to bad policy. And a lot of times bad policy is well-motivated. The people who believe in a one world government are well motivated, but they disagree with me.


Reason: Your former staffer Eric Dondero is challenging you for your House seat in 2008.


Paul: He's a disgruntled former employee who was fired.


Reason: But he says he's running because of your debate performance. So is this presidential campaign weakening your standing in your district?


Paul: Well, if it affects my standing in my district then I wouldn't be a very good candidate for the presidency. If these views are popular, and I think they're popular enough, then they should be popular in my home district. They've been hearing me saying this for a lot of years and I keep getting re-elected rather easily. I think politicians are always concerned about how they're doing in their district, but right now, if Eric Dondero is the only thing I have to worry about, then I don't have a lot to worry about.


Reason: What Dondero's said is that "there are essentially two Ron Pauls. There's the national liberal media (and libertarian blogosphere) Ron Paul. And then there's the South Texas good hometown doctor, red, white, and blue Ron Paul." And he's said you talk a good game about supporting veterans but they don't know your positions.


Paul: All one would have to do is go to the veterans part of my website. I win so many awards; we have so many people who call us from around the country because of the work we do for veterans. My biggest beef is that the veterans get shortchanged because of our war spending, and we end up with Walter Reed problems. So that statement makes zero sense.


There you go.



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^Notice in that video Ron Paul also states that Al Qaeda in Afghanistan was responsible for 9/11.


that's ok. that's not why we are pushing for him.

he promised further investigations. that is a good thing.

something that the demopublicans and republicrats won't do.


we need ron to lead us away from the atrocities that our current administration is


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that's ok. that's not why we are pushing for him.

he promised further investigations. that is a good thing.

something that the demopublicans and republicrats won't do.


we need ron to lead us away from the atrocities that our current administration is



Where did he state he wanted further investigations? Just curious.


But ditto on the last line. We need someone to do that.

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Where did he state he wanted further investigations? Just curious.


But ditto on the last line. We need someone to do that.


several interviews. i don't know if i can find them or not.


check the GOP debates thread. i posted a link to the ron paul library

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based on your first sentence (that you didn't think you could find them), i figured your second sentence was referring to something entirely different


/not looking


i just don't have the time atm to find them, theo.

i've heard him say several times that he would re-open the investigation

to examine some key issues.


but, as i have told you, ron paul does not believe it was a conspiracy, but he is aware of

other false flag terrorism cases in our (the u.s.) history.

that isn't saying the same thing as i'm saying, just that there are some things he

apparently has questions about.




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theo,found that video for u,he is open to new ideas,open,thats what we need,not closed behind an agenda.


take a look


also,something personal,dont take it as an insult,but u said ron paul he believes that alqaeda is behind 911 so probably we shouldnt be pushing for the man(that was u tried to say in other words),but as casek told u,we need a change and this is the only candidate good enough to change things around.

that makes me think,u think too much in black and white,its either this or that,no offence,but thats a close minded way to look at choises.

the same thing u do with loose change and their the missile theory that we should believe because they and us think 911 was an inside job. u cant discredit the whole thing because some flaws,after all,we should strive for being independent and having our own opinions,im not trying agree with everything casek or any 911truther believes just because of what is our view on the 911 field.



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that's the whole thing, juan.

i think theo and tubesock terror

are oblivious to things that happen

in our world and why they happen.


the new world order is completely real...of course,

you'd deny that just as you would probably deny that the north american union is in effect.

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now theo,watch the video about ron paul and the new investigation for 911 thing u were looking for,but i would to show u this video if u want to watch.

dennis kucinich also agreed with looking foward for a new investigation.

short video here


thats part one,part two is when the dude gives him some folder full of info about 911,and this is part three



skip till the end where the interview is placed,the rest its not important as kucinich's opinion which is what the video is focused on.

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that's the whole thing, juan.

i think theo and tubesock terror

are oblivious to things that happen

in our world and why they happen.


the new world order is completely real...of course,

you'd deny that just as you would probably deny that the north american union is in effect.


I stated that a new-world order exists to you several weeks ago. Pay attention. But not to the same conspiracy-secret-underground-holographic-universe degrees that you make it out to be.

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it wouldn't be the "make love" fuck.


it would be the "take-this-dick-you-dirty-asian-slut" fuck. then leave and don't call her again. and steal her dirty panties as a trophy.




well, in that case, yeah...i'd fuck her raw dog and make her watch freedom to fascism

while making her call me president jefferson.....i'd probably wear a white wig with all the founding father getup, too.



theo, how much do you watch faux news? how much can you call them on bullshit, too?

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well, in that case, yeah...i'd fuck her raw dog and make her watch freedom to fascism

while making her call me president jefferson.....i'd probably wear a white wig with all the founding father getup, too.



theo, how much do you watch faux news? how much can you call them on bullshit, too?



I watch it as often as MSNBC and CNN. I don't watch the news that much anymore. I just glance at it early in the mornings for about 20 minutes. Or if there's some big story.


I like Bill O'Reilly's show -- not because I like Bill O'Reilly or that I agree with him -- because I like the way his show is setup and the types of stories and issues that are discussed.


I can't stand Sean Hannity. Because if someone is making a great point that he can't refute, that counters his argument, he'll just cut that person off and accuse them of not answering the question. He did the same to Ron Paul. Cut him off and then acted like Ron Paul was avoiding the question.


Pretty much O'Reilly Factor and Hannity & Colmes are the only shows I pay a little attention too. And yes I do call them on bullshit -- it's obvious the network is leaning towards conservative and perhaps neo-conservative. You can look at their website see them bash Bill Maher or Cindy Sheehan or whomever, instead of just reporting the news objectively. Although some columnists are not intending to be objective journalists, which I can understand.

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