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A Toys' Questions


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Make sure you know the drill before you hit spots. There are much worse things than just putting up something shitty. You need to know about blowing spots, bringing heat to an area, sidebusting, the rules of going over something, and generally understand what is cool/not cool to hit. If you put up the best piece of your life, but that piece blows a spot that other writers paint at frequently, you'll never be respected, no matter how good you get.

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K so I started tagging and came up with my first tag after experimenting for 10 pages in my sketchbook. I made up all the letters however i used a certain stroke i saw elsewhere, its literally one stroke one of my letters, that = biting?


no. there is no such thing as biting anymore ..take advantage of being a toy. start trolling all the dope threads and copy everything you see... tell them McLovin made you do it..


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  • 2 weeks later...

I love bombing, I got some new paint now so smashing my lil town up! It is all about damage. Have to say tho that I don't touch cars, churches, houses, any kinda personal property or anything that is gonna cost individuals for the cleanup. only public shit. Anywhere anyone isn't looking put up my digits!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bro, I couldn't make up your questions if I tried - they are hilarious! haha probably because everyone has those thoughts at some point but seeing them in print is funny as hell. Anyways, to the questions!!!


How do people come up with different styles and stuff like that? how do they know where to put the loops, arrows, connecting letters, and other stuff?

--it's art man. everyone has their own style. sometimes you borrow from others and tweak it to make it different..other times you just have a vision. and vision comes with practice and studying.


Do people get high before they do graffiti? Like maybe imagine up some styles? hahaha some do. some get drunk too. but it isn't necessary.


Do most writers have teacher or a mentor?

in the olden days yes. you looked up to older dudes and they helped you out. nowadays everyone is a prick.


Or can you just do it by yourself? with the internet, magazines, dvds, etc...you have access to way more shit than we old dudes ever had


Say you live in a small town, no graffiti anywhere, except for an occasional scribble or some guy's name. There would be no past writers there. How would you learn how to paint? Would you even take up graffiti?


fuck yeah bro. I grew up in the middle of nowhere and I'm nasty as hell....thats what train yards are for. trains are everywhere. BUT, if you live in a small town and do graff and everyone knows you do graff get ready to go to jail. keep it on the DL as if you are selling crack.


If you just started writing in a black book, would you paint out the first thing you came up with on some walls? Or would you stick to practice for like a year and then actually start writing on stuff?


you do whatever the fuck you want to do. no matter what you do now it will be embarassing a year from now so just do the damn thing.


good luck buddy

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  • 2 weeks later...

stick to the books for a LONG time...practice...practice. dont touch paint just yet & stay really simple. dont try and do complicated shit. start with tags, and then throwies...and stay there for a while... if you live in the country dont write.. paint trains when you get good but also, learn about trains & etc... look at alot of pics of throwies & tags. dont tell anyone you write. watch alot of videos, check out mags, and pics...etc...

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