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reuben kinkaid for real

you are the homie

tonight i had a few of these and a buncha other booze random bar girls bought me, and i must say

your choice in beer is good, we must chill sometime at ur hole in the wall pub and have some of this beer

umm yah dude

and for everyone else on 12oz, fuckin

try this stuff out

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nah, I think you think I'm confrontational but I'm not... I mean I never leave the house, except to resupply. But, what I'm sayin is that 'yall' is a word of itself, it's a contraction that transcends contractions. Like how Yankees don't say 'aint' correctly...

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Nah no way.

Strongbow is the shit my parents fed me as a kid, to slyly get me drunk.

What gets me drinker than anything, is mixing XO shots, mixed spirits, and beer. That fucks me, especially when you don't eat, and rely on the sustinence of liquor to keep you going.

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Stouts fuck ya up. Fo reals.

We had this home brew shit my mate made at the home brew shop once (about 9 or 10% alc), and I paid for ti the next day at work.


Never seen shit so black since having iron tablets. Stay away from that stuff these days, beer is golden in my eyes....

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