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ok totally random, but what are those rugs called, that aren't like thick "real" rugs, but kinda more like sheets or something like a thin cotton material?? i think like the one on your floor??




that rug is oriental, and it's about fifty years old, so that's why it's thin.

i'm not sure what kind of rugs you're talking about.


and i don't live in a basement (peep the view).

it's actually on the top floor and the ceiling is slanted towards the front of the house.

low on one end, high on the other. i have to crouch a lot but it's cozy.

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i just moved in over the weekend, i still dont have a bed or a microwave or whatever i would want to have.


right when you walk in



the kitchen



yeah my internet is in the kitchen, big whooop. wanna fight about it.


i still don't have anything how i want it. im just being lazy and thats about it,






where i will soon sleep



and heres a nood for all da ladiez


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Yes, Poesia does live fat and has set the bar on 12oz.

Plus your yard is huge.


I just went and measured up my lot last night:


(sent the builder PM)


How did you measure the lot and for what purpose? I am a surveyor and have seen this go wrong before when lay people make assumptions about the location of their boundary lines.

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Well, hotlink fail on picasa's part.


We have blue prints of our lot from builder.

Wifey is a designer, so she pulled it into CAD to add house dimensions for landscaping.


We then went to the lot to measure it to get a visual of what the lot will look like so we can plan space for pool/grass/stone patio ..etc.

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Has there been a Survey of your lot that shows where the prop lines are? Are there existing property corners?


If you do not have a Survey showing the legal lines of your property it would be in your interest to look into having one performed.


Be careful making assumptions I have Surveyed in prop lines through peoples swimming pool and patio before with them standing there dumbfounded saying that the Realtor told them that the back lot line was way over there etc.

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For planning you could probably talk the surveyor into doing a little extra topo so that your wife has more to work with in CAD.


If you are using CAD you may want to address the issue of getting an electronic copy of the Survey from the Surveyor. For big jobs some companies regard the electronic file as their own property and only give out a paper copy. For a little lot Survey like yours they would propable let you have one if you asked.


Things are tough on Surveyors in many areas right now so you should be able to find a decent price but may want to keep in mind that sometimes the cheapest is not the best.


As someone who has seen the consequences of not doing so I would never by a parcel of land that did not have a solid survey done that clearly shows existing conditions and property lines.


If you have any basic questions feel free to pm me or whatever, although surveying is very state specific and I may have no knowlage of the laws etc in other areas.

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