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the TOY paint thread...


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if i were u i would save the paint and hit the books this summer...but i dont think yer gonna take that advice so when u start painting and u finish rockin yer outline STOP! stand back and make sure everything is even how u want it...start with some basic letters...im talkiin font style an progress with little kicks and dudads yo hear me?

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In that kele piece, there are serious inconsistencies in the E's that need to be addressed, they don't match each other well enough.

If i would have done the outline once, then stopped and inspected it, then reoutlined in a different color before filling it, it could have worked better.

First time straying from simples in a while though, kinda felt good. done in an hour.

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Kele I think you gave yourself the best crits, there are real inconsistencies with the letters, mainly the L it is all over the place, I dunno what it is about the piece, I think it would look better with a 3D coming down from the letters rather than off to the side, and maybe a different colour on the 3D, and loose the red and green doodaas in the fill and work a smoother fill in there

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should done a 2 color fade and worked a mid-fade or cityscape into it rather than dodads.

I'll keep workin on the letters, I just evolved into those E's like 3 days ago, so they aren't smoothed out yet.

Bottom rt leg of the K is whack, should be just one bar, rounded, and kick it at the end.

Basically, i'll try again soon and post it up. All you toys out there, LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES!

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thanks, but cleanliness isn't the crits i'm lookin for. That's all a matter of patience, and having enough paint to recut shit 3 times.

Maybe this isn't the best place to get advice anymore... Especially on letter structure.

i second that..ppl in this thread just say "o thats tight dog" or "that looks good"..nothin about fixing ur bars or making ur letters the same width to be consistant with the others..i begining to think nobody in this thread knows wtf they r talkin about..they just post garbage to post garbage and look cool on the internet..not to get crits on how they should go about fixing there garbage ass pieces..word on the streets is where it matters..not in here..get out everybody and paint paint paint..fuck the internet..rant rant idc..

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other angle




say somethin.


Letters look nice, lines could have been cut a little better.

seems bland. Add some funk, i would like to see a better flow with your letters. Your fill is beautiful.

3d can bring your piece into a new world. Also shade a little more.

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other angle




say somethin.


hey i like your ideas for the k and the l , but they could use some changes. the main problem being with the flow of the letters. when you plan and draw your piece try using one smooth line rather multiple lines. this way your letters flow more (this a least has help me and others i know). my only idea for re-structuring e's is the simplify them and maybe let the bottom of the letter lay flat. the 3d is cool but i think a little too thick. i know you are going for some thing more complex than usual but i would bring it back a little bit just for now.

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