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the TOY paint thread...


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Good to know. yeah pg sucks for that and the fact that it was the birthing place of that Jack kid that sketches dane now i think. I've gotten feckin tired of every forum but this one but I'm probably just going in circles. anyways good shit dude you should keep dem flicks coming!




also I was looking back though and saw that show fill in and thought damn....how can he piece so well and do throws so bad?

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Raw dog you honestly don't even need to touch paint. Now I know everyone is shaky when they start with cans but it's obvious that you don't have much of an understanding of lettering yet and it's a total waste of time for you to paint. especially if it's illegally, could you imagine getting popped for doing shit like that?


ninjas right on the straight letters too. just sketch them though. if you wanna find a good bomb you should probably watch shit tons of bombing videos to see all the different throw flavors, don't straight up bite letters but learn what looks good.

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That's a damn nice piece for this thread. I think the most noticeable spot that could use improvement is the top left highlight, It doesn't flow right with the bar and I don't think it does with the light source either...but I couldn't sketch a perfected version sooooooo take it for what it is



I know it's dark but it's still visible


there's that and this one from earlier



crits? which do you like more? just came up with that fat one randomly but with a little more attention to detail I think it would be nicer

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bump the shit outta these khans










******** currently destroying this thread.....even if this post is overkill XD

critses welcome

edit your post if you can...




you're missing highlights in several spots, bottoms of all the letters, and drop the arrows on the outside of the piece, they aren't doing anything to support the structure.

Colors are decent, but if you highlight in white, don't make the forcefield white, use the best contrasting color in the fill of the piece. Dark blue would be nice if the splash was a light blue or something.

Study the color wheel.

Keep all your letters the same size, the E on the last one is too small.

When I started piecing, I drew a grid underneath the piece to keep everything even, and covered it with the splash. Not needed anymore, but it helps the eye to train to see what is even.

I have an aversion to arrows when people start painting. If you can't balance letters, the arrows mean nothing and are just an extension of your penis. Don't take enzyte.

Handstyle is pretty good, do it over and over until you like it more, try to make each letter one stroke.

Same with the throw, make each letter simple strokes and try to make it as fast as possible.

I've been drinking, so don't expect crits like this often. This is me opening up to help a new kid, not something i usually do.

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not bad man, just keep your hand movin at a constant motion.

that vshk straight is whats up. and humor that first throw looks good, better than the rest, not hatin man just my opinion, and sper your gettin the idea of it just keep practicing.

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Shitty picture I know but any thoughts shared would be nice


Think I fucked up on choosing a blue shade for the outline, doesn't contrast well with the 3d and fill. other than that idk.....guess it just needs to get clean. At this point I'm just trying to freestyle simps and do what comes to mind, feel like that's a good avenue.


I feel like I'm starting to get to that point where progress slows down a lot, which is cool, it happens in everything, but it's annoying. Maybe I'm just depressed who knows. Anyways, hope all is well for the toys that actually do shit.

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you should have done a forcefield in the color that contrasted the outline the most. You're also still missing a lot of highlights (back left part of the s, Bottom left on the E, Middle top of the S, and more precision on all of it). The leg of the R looks off bad, way too fat. You're 3d's off too, i'll let you try to figure that out If you can't learn it on your own, you won't be able to figure out shit in the future.

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