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the TOY paint thread...


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seke, the fill looks good, and the e's look much more uniform, but the s is disproportional to the rest of the letters. i think i'd open the top loop of the s up, and maybe kick the top of the k back in. i think that it's a huge improvement from the other stuff i've seen though. and like i said, that fill's cool

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SEKERONE: come on man, when some one takes their time to give advise PLEASE take notes and APPLY it.

you are still doing things to complex for your ability. you seem to get the idea of straight letters, but you are still distorting letters to much. there is a reason that you need to master straights before you start doing stuff similar to this ^^^. Your basic letter structure needs ALOT of work, the main issue being that your width of your letters is inconsistent. the colors are better than the last one, but in the beginning there is nothing wrong with black and white. you dont really need to be worrying about color scheme and interesting fills right now, just focus on getting your hand steady and your letters consistent. at this point you need to be sketching every day and painting as much as possible. if you apply this tips you will slowly see yourself start to improve. graffiti is a labor of love and practice, you have to put the time in before you start to more complex stuff.


p.s if you are in the southern part of the east coast you might consider changing your name. there is a nc head the wrote SEK and other variations of it.

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Seriously Bud, if 10 people give you the same advice then chances are its good thing to listen to reason. All paybacks crits were genuine and truthful yet it seems your unwilling to apply any of them unless he posts some flicks. Is it not ok to have an opinion or to try to help someone out? Stop following the masses of ignorance on here and take good advice when its given, it will make you a better writer in the long run and earn you more respect when you start churning out clean work.


I do agree the fill is the best part of that piece but i also believe it looks like you are trying to handle more skill than you have collected, step up, listen up and learn. You wont regret it later

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omg= its always all rusto!! lmao sooo dope yo keep it up, u dont even need to be posting in here. Garw,

i was talking to you. i asked b/c it looked real dope. if it was a stencil i was thinking it was one of the best ive seen (cause i hate em). And i was thinking if it was a painting, "thats what the fuck is up right there" lmao. its really smooth and if u check your CP i hadda prop that. few of yall got em.

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simple freestyle


im liking the hand at the moment..


got a hold of ny skinnys and rustos..so unlike the previous peice i posted this is cleaner and more colorfull...trying to do simples...just so i can focus on fades and such..



Shades are awesome, sorry but your R bothers the shit out of me. other then that its nice, awesome K!

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everyone really needs to get out of the mindset that you should perfect simples before starting more complex shit, its fucking stupid. practicing wilder stuff will teach you more about proportion and techniques than doing fucking straights.


I think that its important for somebody starting out to get a firm grasp on straight letters before moving on to more complex things..however, a firm grasp, is far from perfection. Learn to walk before you can run. Having said that, the only way to improve, is to push yourself, which often means painting something ugly as fuck and sorting out the kinks as you go along. But, that does require a solid foundation to reflect back on, otherwise, there is no reference point. Its a learning process. I dunno. Site, i think i agree with you though...you bring up a good point.

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ohmygosh..i can see wher your coming from but i never really practised straights at all. sure my early shit looked ugly as fuck. but i found i improved really quickly from painting wilder stuff, then when it came to do straights i already understood letter structure n preportions,and also what works and what doesnt. but i understand everyones different.come to think of it i think youl get better at what you practise at nomatter what,i just thought about it and i could rock a decent pice before i could do decent tags.

heres a picture for all my pointless ranting,il leave the thread alone now.


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site has really dope shit, and i can see both points. Whatever you practice the most, you will excel at.

In either case, the intention is to build structure and understanding.

I like to do wild toy shit a lot, and when i hit a block i step back to simple straights.

Expand and condense, understand the letters and gain a personal appreciation for them.

And gain all of this knowledge before you get yourself into trouble for doing some dumb lookin shit.

Or get into trouble once, and then hit the books until people tell you that you have some style. Then, back to the streets.

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i understand were both sides are coming from, im not siding with one or the other. your whole progression in graffiti is really determined by how talented of an individual you are. for someone that can draw already, has had art training, starting with simples is not need for the most part. for someone that has trouble drawing basic shapes and other basic things, starting with simple is the best thing for them. i didnt really spend much time on simples when i started out. i have stepped back and re visited them here lately for the fuck of it. in my opinion starting complex is ruff, its very disheartening to work very hard on something you think is really good and then have a veteran writer tell you it sucks. but you can deal with the constant build up and let down, by all means start with complex stuff. i just think its easier for new writers to start with simples rather than getting discourage before they ever get really started. yeah it might take longer but i think the time is well spent.


Just my 2 cents, not trying to step on any toes


and that SITE is nice and trippy :nut: :nut: :nut:

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