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2 questions


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!. why did god reject Cain's gift?

2. how did Cain know how to kill, and how did is mother know how to feel sorrow?

3 when Cain was banished, she told jesus to leave a mark on him cause "whoever meets me will kill me". whats was the mark of Cain?, and who are these other people if it was now only Cain, Adam, and Eve?

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1. G-d rejected Cains gift because it wasnt from the best of his crops.

2. He didnt. Sadness is a human emotion.

3. G-d marked cain to protect him, the other people would be the sons of cain, abel, and seth.


edit:im looking into the mark, Ill get back to you on that one.

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haha he said dude are yo uon some columbine steez......serious


damn....the mark of cain is the mark of the beast...


heres my two


have you ever admitted to your girl you cheated on her?


and have you ever jacked off to 50 plus granny porn?


ive done both

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back when i was yound and lived in montana i had a jacket with like 20 something pockets.

the school was 1-8 i believe with a total of 180 students about. once a month they would have like a movie after school you could watch in the gym cost two dollars. i lost the money in one of the pockets and cried and cried cause that was what was popping back then. and listening to a flinstones tape on my walkman.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
1. Who makes that jacket with 40 some odd pockets? The spy style shit


2. Anyone remember the gun from The Jackal? The one Jack Black made for Bruce Willis



1. scottevest, they used to make clothing for Secret Service and CIA. Now they make civilian gear. http://www.scottevest.com/


2. No

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

1. What is the nature of the dark energy driving this acceleration?


2.Hawking radiation allows black holes to evaporate to (perhaps) nothing, and yet carries no information. Quantum mechanics does not allow information to be destroyed. Where does it go?

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