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Changing my Graff Campaign. Buff, Cops, Giving up?


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Ok heres how it is


I live in a fairly small city, and until about 6 months ago it had a healthy Graff scene, with people from all over the country saying how theyd enjoy visiting as theyd heard this and that and had seen pictures or met writers from here etc etc, there was much bombing, large tracksides, freights were constantly colorful, passenegrs were done at a rather low rate, keeping the yards quite lo security and fairly easy, and often enviable.


Then came the arrests, there were, id say, about 10 people who were fully active on a regular basis, this came to an end one evening and the heaviest bomber was off the scene.


Then came house raids, i think 70% of the writers were lost due to a series of raids over 24hrs, and with the local colleges and Universitys suspending anyone getting arrested for Graffiti related crimes (the council actually blamed the art colleges for spawning writers and demanded money towards removal!!) These writers, altho u may think they are 'pussying' out, took the years of hard studying over simply changing there names, and dissapeared off the scene.


Then came a raid on a botched Jam at a 'chill' spot that had been painted, altho without permisiion for years, taking a HUGE number of writers with it, until the only names appearing on the street were toys and visitors. And nothing rail related was being acheived at all.


Then theres me.


Apparently the only writer holding it down, but with the council hiring in a Specialist to catch the remaining few, and having past history with the law, im starting to re assess my life in the graff world


I was all for total domination, thinking it had got easier since alot had stopped, but being the only name appearing on a regular basis, i realised i was walking a thin line that would snap at any moment unless some fresh blood came on the seen to smother the heat from one person.


Add to this the huge buff which wiped out years worth of tracksides and rooftops and street bombs almost overnight.


Maybe its not about dominstion anymore, i now realise i may just throw away the pens, and start writing just for myself, spend more time on detail, travel, and become better, instead of 'more'



Anyways, sorry for the lenghtyness! Id love to hear your thoughts, experiences and watnot.



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So you reckon over time therel definatly be fresh blood to take the heat, start gettin the streets dirtier and make it easier to slip back in?


There on it now, i think i need to wait till graffs no longer a prority then just come back with a diff approach.

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yo i say paint in other cities as much as you can,maybe keep your shit in a friends house who doesnt write in case you get raided,but bomb a small bit so its not obvious what youre doing.if you got a big rep already you can prob hang back anyway.

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Ive been at it for a bit, i learnt about keepin your house clean years ago, the hard way, thats notta problem would just hate to lose my pc id go insane


yer i have a big rep but anythin else i do now would be revisiting freshly buffed spots, which is obvi gonna piss people off.

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thats kind of how it is where i am at.

in the last six months, mad old stuff has been buffed, yards have been getting buffed, other yards getting hot due to arrests, etc.

its kind of hot right now, and alot of the old school dudes arent painting illegal, and then there are the ones who almost never paint period anymore.

its kind of lame, the scene here seemed real healthy when we first visited a few years ago, but i was slightly decieved due to old spots that nobody cared to buff, and things like that.


all the freight spots here suck really. theyre either super hot, unreliable, or generally just sketchy in every manner.


the last legal wall is about to get shut down too.

a few stupid kids really fucked it up for everyone in the last year, it seems.

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Yer, kids, i hate to think it but i reckon i went all out too quickly when i first got here, city life was just a joke that i could walk down the road to yards or have endless ally ways and shutters


Then whatdaykniow theyve hired in one of the countrys best Graffiti LLiason Officers and hes shit hot knows every writer and who they are, hes just tryin to pin them together


My mate got busted by him at a legal spot cos he was tagging a wall nearby and the cops are sittin in there cars near the legals and watchin the writers doin there pieces (could happen anywhere!)


Anyways this Graff Cop aparently pointed to every piece and rolled out the persons name for each tag. Shit hot!

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spots getting heated is always a good sign of a huge crackdown on graffiti

most cities have these random wars on graffiti every now and again, but they finish after a few months

i would suggest not even buying/racking paint for a while

the streets will start getting bombed again soon enough, but until then dont paint regularly

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Are these raid like SWAT teams or they just walk in and take your paint, markers, and black book.


Yepo, full tac swat team raids with black-hawk choppers when raiding multiple targets.


Basically your general mp5/socom tac weapon set up and they have been known to use smoke/tear grens.


This is serious shit we are talking about.....

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HAhah nah they just bust through your door at 6 in the morning, aprehend you, RINSE your house, take your computer(s) cameras turn the place upside down take graff books, pens, clothes, and any sketch with any form of styled writing on it even copied cd's where youve writen the title yourself.


And if your not in they fuck the place up, they pulled my mates curtains off and put them in the toilet, and ripped his posters down and made faces with the blue tack


Theres a torrent at the moment called tpk is dead, a 15min video on raiding the tpk crew, same shit really.

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  • 8 months later...

I would say just be smart about it... Only paint solo... change your word... don't trust any kid you used to roll with who got knocked... just tell them that you aren't writing... and don't let them know what you switched writing to if they find out you are still painting.. But in general keep it low profile for a little while... let the heat die out and then pick back up in a few months...

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