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new writer from boston


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i think all the people on this site are clowns so fuck you.


the people on this website dont understand what graffiti is about, its about the art, its about the hiphop. and for those of you that dont get that graff is one of the 4 elements of hiphop if you didnt know that you shouldnt be writing


I guess this is just an elaborate troll, after all.


Because there's no way you could be serious.


I'm cool with that. Making fun of people is just fun sometimes and the persona you've chosen is really fun to make fun of.


What I'm wondering is where you got the crappy toy sketches you used to seed this thread.

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I'm sure we'll all agree that at one point graffiti was in direct relation with hip hop. to think that now is the same as thinking that the world is flat, I know tons of Top notch writers that HATE! hiphop... graffiti is for graffiti to tie up graffiti to HIP HOP nowadays is a fuckin insult to graff, graff wants nothing to do with clubbing bling blingin and dumbass lyrics.


As for you kid (the one that started this thread) stick to paper til you're good enough to paint, save your paint for better days, the stuff you posted up there is the same shit I see everymonth when some new TOY opens a thread and asks for crits, at which point they get the same response as you did and then get directed to the "TOY THREAD".


Right now you mean nothing to graff, nobody cares that you're new, and to ask how talkin shit to a new writer is supposed to better graff? It's not supposed to, but a year ago and the years before that someone like you was opening the same thread that you just did and they got the same bagering that you just did. So get off your pony, get better letters before you start coloring them and then and only then move onto spraypaint.

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first off painting chill spots is sick. its a way to paint without the stress of getting caught. and graffiti is an art, it is fucking idiots like you that say it not. and if its not an art then what are you doing it for, because people that paint for any reason besides the art are just fucking spoiled little shits with nothing better to do then ruin someone else's shit with bullshit graffiti that they put no heart into.



First... a lot of writers started doing it and still do just to fuck shit up and piss off society and boredom... etc... etc... it's not about art... or being done while putting your heart into it... blah blah... some grow into that mind frame and they are dope and it works for them.... but a lot of cats just like to get up... and art has nothing to do with it... don't recycle some shit you heard someone else say in your latest vid or book...


and as for people spouting off about hip-hop/graf... blasay.. blah... graf started with rock music as much as if not more than it ever started with hip-hop... yes.. it became an integral part of hip-hop... but that does not necessarily make hip-hop an integral part of graf...


put in 5 years... a decade... or more... and then talk about what graf is or isn't... or better yet... dont talk about that shit at all..... do it to do it... fuck a motivation... if you dig it... than get down... just remember espos rules of graffiti... most prominent... you are a toy and you suck until further notice... not meant to dis... just to inform.

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graffiti is for graffiti to tie up graffiti to HIP HOP nowadays is a fuckin insult to graff, graff wants nothing to do with clubbing bling blingin and dumbass lyrics.


when i say hiphop i dont mean 50 cent and jay z bullshit, they rap. hiphop is more than the music, its the graff, the bboyin, the culture. for you to say that hiphop is and insult to graff it makes no sense because graff is hiphop. and you also dont know any writers that hate hiphop because i will say it again graff is hiphop. in reality you are the fucking disgrace to graff.


FUCK YOU. because you are nothing more than a spoiled little brat who went to art school to learn how to draw because your mommy and daddy could afford it

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first off painting chill spots is sick. its a way to paint without the stress of getting caught. and graffiti is an art, it is fucking idiots like you that say it not. and if its not an art then what are you doing it for, because people that paint for any reason besides the art are just fucking spoiled little shits with nothing better to do then ruin someone else's shit with bullshit graffiti that they put no heart into.






HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....:lol: :lol: :lol:

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i think all the people on this site are clowns so fuck you.


the people on this website dont understand what graffiti is about, its about the art, its about the hiphop. and for those of you that dont get that graff is one of the 4 elements of hiphop if you didnt know that you shouldnt be writing


This kid would buy a house just because it was on Beat street.

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when i say hiphop i dont mean 50 cent and jay z bullshit, they rap. hiphop is more than the music, its the graff, the bboyin, the culture. for you to say that hiphop is and insult to graff it makes no sense because graff is hiphop. and you also dont know any writers that hate hiphop because i will say it again graff is hiphop. in reality you are the fucking disgrace to graff.


FUCK YOU. because you are nothing more than a spoiled little brat who went to art school to learn how to draw because your mommy and daddy could afford it


im sorry but was this kid talkin to HECZ? not tryin to nut hug, just givin respect where its due, kid smack your mother fuckin self, you obviously have no idea who hecz is, once again sorry for nut huggin ya man

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when i say hiphop i dont mean 50 cent and jay z bullshit, they rap. hiphop is more than the music, its the graff, the bboyin, the culture. for you to say that hiphop is and insult to graff it makes no sense because graff is hiphop. and you also dont know any writers that hate hiphop because i will say it again graff is hiphop. in reality you are the fucking disgrace to graff.


FUCK YOU. because you are nothing more than a spoiled little brat who went to art school to learn how to draw because your mommy and daddy could afford it



You're a fucking crackhead.


Or a clever troll.


If you're for real...


Do you actually know any writers?


My guess is "no."

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