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busted recently


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so i was out last night with a friend who's kind a new to this. he wanted to hit his old school(which happens to be a religiously affiliated one) and we did. the cops rolled by and saw the stuff we had done, we weren't there at the time, but our gear was there and my car was parked near enough that they assumed it was the car of the vandal and ran the plates. they got booze in the car, which i'm taking credit for. they got a shitload of paint and blackbooks which i'm taking credit for, despite some of it being my over 18 friend(im just under 18, hope i dont get charged as an adult.)


i'm fucked, i know that, i knew i would be if i got caught when i started this whole graffiti stuff. this is honestly more of an issue with the parents just because now i've betrayed their trust which was dwindling. im pretty fucked on a lot of levels, they can restrict cash flow via joint accounts, joint car ownership, and they're holding the college tuition thing over my head. but all that is another story.


i have a court date on monday, something about a hearing. im probably going to go over to that place and clean all of it up(anyone know the best way to clean paint?) so the judge will go easy on me. should i get a non court appointed lawyer? the parents may or may not pay for it. how fucked am i? anyone know how deep i am?

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If it's on a school. You're pretty fucked. Bad decision and toyish spot to paint.


For anyone to help you with advise, will require more info:


Is this your first offense? (if yes then you aren't that fucked)


Your age? (over 18 and they will go a little harder)


If the police in your area have documented your other tags, then yes, you will be charged for most of those also.

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when i was caught they waitied till i was an adult to serve the paper, i got caught in november and they served my papers in june the day after my 18th birthday. but thats arizona. i guess it would all depend. being charged for all your tags isnt a big deal unless your vandel squad out there is on top of things, besides, if your painting a fucking school you couldnt have been writing long enough to get that many spots and writes down. as for the beer, your an idiot, not only do you have tresspassing, curfew, destruction of property, you've also got beer bottles, and i dont know about where you come from, but markers and paint owned by a minor is also a charge in itself, my boy got caught with a backpack full of paint and 12 markers, he got a charge for every can and every marker. even if you took blame for all that bullshit, your homeboy is still going to get charged with contributing to deliquiency just for bein in the same spot as you kid. hes most likely going to get the same charges as you, except that contrib, charge too. in some states painting schools is a felony.

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Guest spectr

Oh shit man... you are going to get charged as an adult... you are going to go to prison....

you are going to end up cellmates with some guy named bubba.... and he is going to make you his bitch...


there is no way around it... well you could always kill yourself... but other then that nothing you can do...


but... of course... some advice for you for the future...


1. never admit to anything... I don't care what they say, don't admit to anything


2. stop doing graffiti...


3. actually I would just give up on all your criminal ventures... Its probably going to save you some jail time in the long run... See I have this feeling that you are just never going to be good at them.. so you might as well just give them up now...

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Oh for fuck sakes, another school bomber who was too moronic to realize two things:


1. Most communities do patrols around schools for this exact reason and,


2. Bombing a school is probably the weakest shit ever. Let alone if you're 18 and should know better.


For being so stupid, you deserve every sentence you get.

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yo. i got charged too. fortunately i tried to diffuse the problems civilly and not in a court of law. also, having beer is just fucking retarded. for me they overlooked the curfew charges as well. asked me about other shit. i just said no. i dont think that they can have enough evidence to charge you. the vandal squad knows who cope2 is. they see his shit all day in ny. and they cant do shit about it. and for everyone who isnt 100% sure what to do, read that shit pohguomin posted. its some knowledge. also, if i bomb, im never taking my car with me ever. never again. and if i do. its gonna be atleast 2 miles away. fuck that. no use in getting caught cuz you got pinned to a car. on foot you can get away, but pinned to a car, youre fucked.

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i got popped a few weeks ago, second offense, im only 16, but i been writin for almost 4 years. i dont kno if gettin arrested twice within 4 years is good or bad, but whatever. cops alwayz try to charge u for tags that aint yours, but usually u wont get charged, if u end up tellin the truth. defend urself, tell them and the judge them other tags aint urs, jus keep fightin i gues. other than that, yea u could be fucked.

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I agree. You could also put a bullet in the judges head, or better yet, your own. Because like you said YOUR FUCKED, AND YOU KNOW THAT.


Where did you paint in school? I sure hope it was a fkn crazy heaven spot or something. Thats the only reason why i'd do it lol. And i never think about painting schools, so that spot would have to be INSANE to consider it. Obviously painting in a school isnt really an up... just quit now and seel ur paint on e-bay or something

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  • 4 months later...

Here's where you went wrong.


1. Hitting a place of worship

2. Hitting a School.

3. Having Booze in your car.

4. Having a black book with you while you're bombing. (they won't know what you write unless your caught in the act, have your book, or confess. Thus you can be charged with other shit you've done too)

5. Never say shit.



you're fucked anyway. but you should still get a lawyer, maybe they'll help you get a lighter charge. and your an adult in the court system at age 17 homeboy.

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