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The slow progression of a fucked up ankle.

Poop Man Bob

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I fucked my ankle up yesterday playing basketball. Doctor told me there's no fracture - just a third degree sprain.


I'm going to keep posting pictures in here as it progressively gets uglier. Although I'll probably have to get a cast later this week, so the experiment might end then.












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jeeze man. ouch.



I had one of those before and here's a trick I used to bring the swelling down.

Fill the bathtub up with hot water and fill a bucket up with cold water. Sit on the edge

of the tub and move you foot from the hot water to the cold water every minute.

This will make the swelling expand and contract and move out of the area.

It's bad to do it too soon after the accident, but if you're a few days out,

and the swelling just wont go down, then give it a shot.

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i broke mine couple of weeks ago, just got surgery las tuesday, got a plate and 7 screws put in.....it suck alot, gonna be out for 4 months. i was hopping a train from nashville to chiicago and jumped of when it was going 30 mph, broke my shit bad. now Im out and all i can do is Bench. but I eat alot of Vicodin...now Im addicted

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I fucked my ankle up yesterday playing basketball. Doctor told me there's no fracture - just a third degree sprain.


I'm going to keep posting pictures in here as it progressively gets uglier. Although I'll probably have to get a cast later this week, so the experiment might end then.


what makes you think it'll get progressively uglier? It looks fine. I've had my ankle looking like that a bunch of times (the last of which I had torn 3 ligaments across the top of my foot ..)

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I did this so many times to both my ankles when I was dancing every day, it's not even funny. Never got it treated. My left foot in particular snaps LOUDLY when I walk barefoot.


And yeah, it'll get uglier. Expect a massive purple/green bruise all along the side of the foot, in a line from the heel to the pinky finger. And the fuckers heal SLOW. I did the same thing as Rummy but with wet towels instead of buckets, and it worked excellently.

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