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The proportions are so fucked on the car. I kept feeling like my eyes were crossing because i was trying so hard to fix the crooked rims jutting outside of the wheelwells and nonsensical body shape. I don't know how that happened with the preliminary sketch looking decent.


You know that wierd zoom technique they use in suspenseful movies where they zoom in on someone's face and the background seems to get further away at the same time? They use it a lot in hallway shots, where the hallway seems to get a hundred times longer. I didn't think it was possible to do that with a still image until now.

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You know that wierd zoom technique they use in suspenseful movies where they zoom in on someone's face and the background seems to get further away at the same time? They use it a lot in hallway shots, where the hallway seems to get a hundred times longer.

Do you know how they accomplish that effect?


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I love it when people see something they cant do and hate on it. Keep dreaming that its easy or stupid unless you have shit to back it up. I think it was a gay little rice car to draw but really guys, shut the fuck up.


No, you shut the fuck up


I could do something like that but do i really want to toss so many of my life points on the bonfire?








Fuck no

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