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two quick questions


THE SOPROAOS- what season did tony get shot???


and reguarding my life / situation..


im considering cutting off my tv / internet and cell phone, to save about $200+ bucks...


good idea? bad idea? hurting myself and not worth the financial gain?


what do you guys think?


im considering doing it to get outta contact with people, save money, and in a way force myself to get out more, work out more, and get out of debt.

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cut off the tv definately. its hella easy to get tv on the internet if you really want to watch it. cell phone - eh, fuck a cell phone.. who wants to be reached 24/7?


internet is where i get news and shit. but you could always just go to a starbucks or whatever and use their internet. so you dont need internet either.

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1) no one NEEDS cable or satellite television. Network TV is free.


2) keeping the internet is up to you.


3) get a pre-paid cell phone and a pager. if you really want to save $$$'s. it sounds funny but a pager is like $10 a month. and you can only call back the people you want to talk to, if you so please.


cut the fat my friend, cut the fat.

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yo getting rid of the tv is a good idea... don't get rid of the cell phone you will regret it... just change your number and forget to mention it to anyone and delete everyones phone number... and keep the internet... shit man.. do you really think people can live without the internet shit is like water we need it to survive...

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what are you going to talk to these new friends about if you don't have a tv?


how are you spending $200 on this shit? you need to reup to a cheaper package bro.


naw, $200 includes my cell phone... i pay $143 for my tv / net setup...


cable is like $70-75 or so


net - $49


hd cable box is $10-15


think thats about it... so its like $143 a month for tv and net


cell phone is like $60-75 bucks.




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i say cut off the internet and tv. but not the cellphone. because of the three, the cellphone is the only one that is an improvement/enhancement on your social life. but don't go completely without it. get a laptop, like a cheap one, and just use it at wifi hotspots for free whenever you really have to use the internet. and just view tv if you're at someone elses house. basically it will limit it the consumption, but you'll get out more.


me personally, i couldn't do it. but if i did, i would do it that way.

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Get rid of your TV I say. TV is a bunch of bullshit anyway you can watch dvds or vhs cant you? Cell phone? I dont have a cell phone and I get by okay. Sometimes I am out and I wish I could call people to get shit rolling you know. I dunno about internet though. The internet is like a 3rd of my life so I probably wouldnt get rid of that If I was trying to save some bread heh.

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i have to check with my buddy, but he works for the cable company and i believe he said if i call to get the internet, he can hook me up with cable, but maybe not the hd box, but hey free cable would be dope. and if i wait a month before hooking the net up, i can get it for $29 bucks i believe.


i should also cut my cell phone off and get back to cingular where i can get a discount through work...

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What a bunch of broke ass art students in this thread.


1) Cable TV is so much better than network TV, but if you're in a pinch lower it to a manageable level. Lower your cable package and get a regular box instead of an HD one. ALSO, cable companies have retention departments so just say you were offered a better deal by the local DSL company and DISH network but if you could get a good deal for 6 months you'd stay. Surf the internet to find a few actual offers from your cable company and the local competition.


2) Cell phones are a must have, turning it off will only inconvenience you. Tell people to leave you alone or don't answer it.


Stop buying Xbox's and giant HD televisions and new cars and getting tattoos and all the other shit you've posted here over the years. Ride a bike to save money on gas and get exercise. If you eat out for lunch, start packing a cheap healthy meal. You're not broke because of $2000 a year in bills, you're broke because you spent money you don't have on on things you don't need...


For me having TV and internet actually saves me money because I can just chill around my house and I don't get bored and want to run out to the bar or something. If you don't have the discipline to go meet people and work out, cutting yourself off from things you enjoy won't make it magically happen.

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ive considered this many times

phone, its a useful tool. it can keep u in touch when u need it

just turn it off when u dont wanna be called, and have some cheap basic plan


tv and internet are useless

tv more so

internet can be free at a library

so i say go for it

phone is the only thing u really need

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I second Liver's thought on riding your bike to save $. Unless the weather is shitty where you are.


Drop the cable. Out of the 100+ channels, how many are actually watchable? Maybe a dozen? Get some bunny ears for $10 and get all the regular channels for free.


*edit - get those AOL 90 day free trial discs and use them for internet... pick up a new one when your limit is reached. Or get the dialup for like $8.99/month... you'll have to get used to a slow connection though.

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getting dial up would be a bad idea

it would get u on the computer for longer periods of time, as you wait for shit to load

i found that when i got faster internet, i would get bored of it quicker, cuz everything would load right away, no waiting, and id get through all the stuff i wanted to check out online and id have no more reasons to be on

plus its free at libraries...hit it up once or twice a week to check email and ch.0 and ur set

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