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Joyce did:


"....and what run the over of yellow and snotgreen sea where Steven Hero landed. 'The keys' he says into long and long the sea, 'The keys left with all the insides and now the insides are left without.' Here the poor dogsbody lay, beneath the leftover tangle of steelrust and fire, over to the sea Steven Hero watched and watching saw the salt and holy shine of splitting metal...."

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Hmm. I guess that could be interpreted as such.


How bout this, none of these authors have had the story's protagonist hijack a space shuttle in orbit, land it, then within the hour, get into a fist fight with a homicidal maniac and toss him into a pool of vicious Komodo dragons.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
I'm a big fan of Dan Brown. He's my most recent obsession.


Soon you will be reading my novels though. Just wait.



Are they about bad ass war heros deep in the shit! Named Sneak! If not then I dont want do

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as far as beat shit goes Kerouac is overrated in my opinion


bukowski has a insane way of describing things and is real refreshing


burroughs is pretty good, "junky" is a good read, "naked lunch" is "cut up style" so its kinda hard to make a story outta it, i found "queer" kinda boring....


oh yeah not beat but hunter thompson, is good, read "rum diaries"

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I like Vonnegut a lot. Tom Wolfe is always a good read. Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby and The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test being my favorites. I've just cracked my first Kerouac novel and I'm not sure how I feel about it.


For some more traditional fiction W.O. Mitchell and Jonathan Coe know whats up.

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