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Still have yet to find a bar that has this in rotation...

Lee Hazlewood - After Six

Hey there Mr Bartender now have a little pitty on me

Time is rough and a fuss is tough and I'm where I'm not supposed to be

I'll give you my watch for a fifth of Scotch

If you don't make fun cause it don't run no better than I do after six


Hey there Mr Bartender lots of things are botherin' me

There's the hydrogen bomb in VietNam and I'm out of sigarettes since three

I'll give you my stickpen for a pint of gin

If you don't joke cause the diamond's broke

And it don't shine no better than I do after six


[acoustic guitar]


Hey there Mr Bartender you better get a drip on me

My pulse is slow when I'm about to go I need a little charity

I'll give you my shoes for a glass of booze

If you won't tell they don't smell no better than I do after six


(Oh, bartender I'll do anything for you I'll pick my guitar

Bartender you listen to me bartender)

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My boydv rank a botte of wine tonight and kidna sorta tried to kill himself over his ex girl (shes had this poor fyuckin kid fucked up for the last 4 or 5 years). He broke a few window,s sliced his hands wide open, jumpe dout of a cra ogin like 30, and was rerpeeatedly tyrin to geta way from me and bashing his haadf

off the ground. i finally retsraied him, threw him int ehc ar, and toomk him to the ER


DSht was wild.


I hadfta be up for work in 3 hours...a3eomse.


I woke up covered in blood and had no idea what the fuck happened until I read this haha. Now the rest of the night is slowly coming back to me....I think I might have fought one of our other boys in the parking lot of the ER cuz he wouldn't calm down. Maybe not, gunna hafta check on that one.


Fuck, my head's killin me

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I woke up covered in blood and had no idea what the fuck happened until I read this haha. Now the rest of the night is slowly coming back to me....I think I might have fought one of our other boys in the parking lot of the ER cuz he wouldn't calm down. Maybe not, gunna hafta check on that one.


Fuck, my head's killin me


I got a phone call about this at 2 am, from NH... guess who wanted the scoop. Good thing I was with teh ex last night. Part 2 almost complete.:lol:

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Got a job today. Commissioned 50% on all sales for a state organization.

Executive so I can work from the 'home office.'

Got another interview for an IT job next week. 100k a year scrilla gorilla


So tonight I got a keg of Yuengling over my boy's crib. His house is dope as fuck with a bar and everything. Time to get ripppedddddddddddd. I will report back later.

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I got a phone call about this at 2 am, from NH... guess who wanted the scoop. Good thing I was with teh ex last night. Part 2 almost complete.:lol:




And you don't have the heart to carry through with your plan, sorry. See you tonight sweetie.

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It's me and this buck tonight... Along with country songs...


Staying in tonight.. I hope.. Out tomorrow...




Oh, I got one of these cause I used to play all the time.. There's a court near my work.. Figure it's a good way to blow off some steam afterwards..



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Jus giot home...alot of possible eef popped off tonight, copsn were caled on us, but pussy niggas dot actually wana throw down


My ahdns a fuckin mess cuz I got in an argu,ent with the roomate and punched a whole all the way through the wall to the studs..shit hurts a lil bit


Gtetin up for work in 3 hours...later fellas!

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