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I'm durnbk tonight, no surprise.


I called the x toni9ght, no rusprise


Instead of talking to her about gettin back together, I told her I was sorry for threatening to ruin shit with her boyfriend, and tht if she left me alone I'd leave hger alone...surprise? Definately.

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Good shit AyeBee!!

Your new dime is better anyway (IMO)!


I definately wouldn't go that far...understand, I'm not doin this cuz I don't want her anymore


No matter what I love that girl to death, she's still one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen, and prolly the best fuck ill ever have (I took her virginity, so everything she did was shit that she learned I liked, its amazing)


The reason I'm finally gunna just say fuck it is I realized that if I don't stop what I've been doin for the last month or so I'm gunna violate probation and hafta do a bid, and I just can't fuckin afford to have that happen right now. The shit that's been goin down the last month is fuckin wild and I'm just lucky I've gotten away with it for this long, so for now I gotta fall back and let everthing just play out

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I've really been hitting low grounds this weak....


Tasted like piss and vinegar. I couldn't even finish the fuckin thing before I wen to coors light. Fuck malt liquor for awhile man.......





EWWW fucking magnum what are you doing to yourself! That looks like smoke bombs I used to buy from the ghandi's!!!

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Yeah I hear you.

Good to see you have snapped into realizing it before it happens.

Who knows, maybe down the line you could be friends??


Nahhh, I figure we never were friends so why start now. Besides, even if I wanted that shit, it could NEVER work...me and that girl drive eachother absolutely insane, like serious mental breakdown status


Anyways, I honestly think one day were gunna end up back together, but for now I told her I'mma let her rock, and that she should just do the same for me. It is what it is.

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DUDE STOP THINKING LIKE THAT! Youre just gonna go even crazier... I had that mind set with my frist real relationship and we didnt speak for like 3 fucking years then she came back and now she is pissed that I moved in with her sister so she wont talk to me now...it will drive you nuts in the long run...

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family reunion tonight

at least i get to bail early to drop my dad at the airport

i fucking hate these things

imthe only one on my dads side whos ever been on the wrong side of the law (excepting my dad himself)

i just get dirty looks and sideways glances

thankgod my girl is coming tonight

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all my relatives on my dads side are academic, button down conservatives

in short

douche bags

mums side are awesome though

sometimes go round to her sisters house for a few beers and a game of poker

and they have the best sound system and tv

which makes gh2 a blast

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Seriously don't get the current big obsession with poker, but if it is enjoyable, then keep doing it. I prefer to have drinks and shoot the shit myself.

Ahh 17, I think I was more of a smoker myself at that age, and didn't really like the booze as much til I had to get out of the comfort zone and meet random people. It is much better social lubricant than the herb....

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I stayed completely sober last night, and I wish I hadn't. I had a REALLY random encounter with my ex's sister, in the middle of fuckin nowhere, 2 cities over, which would have been hilarious had I been drunk enough to just say fuck it and act up


Tonight I drink Everclear until I die. Yodel acha boy.

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aaaaaaaaahhh shit. i already posted this in another thread. but hot diggity dog. i got wasted last night. so wasted that i'm still wasted and i'm at work. i'm supposed to work at 8. i woke up at 8. i didn't have time to shower. i'm sitting here with the same clothes/makeup from last night. i deserve a round of applause, maybe even be first on the team alco myspace. i'm a gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

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Ohhh Sherock, you wanna be first on the Myspace eh???

I'm here after a couple of bottles of red at the family do, had the craziest feed, had a choice of 5 different dishes, plus 3 salad dishes to choose from.

I had 3 different bottles of red to choose from, Annies Lane Cab Merlot, Wolf Blass Yellow Cab Merlot and some other Shiraz Cab my uncle had (that I smashed the most of, haha!).

But yeah it was good to hit it up with the fam, and play on my uncles sweet Strats and EBMM Axis....

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I am half cut, it is taking me a little longer to type, but this feed is serving me wicked.

My Dads gf was sick in the car on the way home, and she was the driver. i think it was teh alcohol mixed with the awesome cake and icecream we had.


I'll make you top friend next week, as AB has only been in the possy for a day, and I think after his relisation, he deserves it for a while.

Arrgh, I am starting to get the wine headache, and it must mean i need sleepp!!

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tonight was fucking weird

my cousin tried to start a fight with me

i was like "wtf?" because we usually get on really well and occasionally have lunch or something togerther at uni

at least i got to dip early

dropped dad at the airport

just got home and might start hitting the piss

its been a long,weird night

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