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fuck this

piggy bank

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cold. rained, started to dry up, went to skate, coming home and saw some graf in this tunnel. never seen it before. on my way down i slipped and fell into the stream coming out of the tunnel. had to walk home with both shoes filled with water and one leg of my jeans soaked and covered with some slime. let's hope it's toxic.

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and why exactly does this deserve its own thread?

cause you saw some graffiti you never saw before? NO

cause you slipped and feel into a stream in the tunnel? NO not without pics of said slipping and falling...

cause you had to walk home with wet shoes and wet pants? NO as much as the thought of you shivering, walking home getting pneumonia might amuse some of us its still not thread worthy until you have pnuemonia and are near death.... and then only with pics....

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