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so my workplace is always doing these weird things for the holidays. for valentines day, they started this thing where you respond to the statement, "IF YOU REALLY KNEW ME YOU WOULD KNOW". then they update a word document once a week with all the new additions. i usually never participate in things like this, but i feel that i can probably have some fun with it. i'll give you "copy and paste" examples, which are probably some of the weirdest things i've ever read.





"That I’ve been through a lot in my life. I have a half-brother that I don’t talk to and I have twin half-sisters that I’ve never met. I spent a couple months trying to track them down but gave up because I came to a dead end."


"I had my own variety show at one time. It was called, "edited for security purposes". It was a comedy show and entertained people all over the area form 4 years old to 90 years old. Really love to entertain people and make them laugh. "


"That I cry a lot... over nothing!! A little sensitive I guess ha-ha"


"My favorite character is TAZ. I have a large collection of Taz items. I even have a Taz phone. My other favorites are the M&M figures. I have an M&M riding a red white and blue motorcycle. "


"I am allergic to penicillin"


"You would know my son works here. He got me to come here. And my nephew also works her."

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sorry, the purpose for this thread was to get feedback for what i should put for mine. i'd like to have some fun with it, but can't really think of anything.


well, just don't put some bullshit ass "woe is me" statement like half your collegues have. by the sounds of things half your co-workers need a slap in the face and a "suck it up, pussy"

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