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My crazy night


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On the one hand I feel slightly left out that I didn't breach your drug induced hallucinations, but on the other hand I don't think I'd feel rather easy about actually being in your drug induced hallucinations. Either way sounds like you had fun.


I got really drunk last night. Apologies to the random people I sent non-sensical PM's to. I'm paying for it this morning if that's any consolation.

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ZeroCool is on a distinguished road


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Join Date: Aug 2006


No wonder you are having waking dreams about 12oz. You practically live on here. Yeah it's kinda weird connecting with people on the internet. In one sense, it's anonymous, so you don't feel such a burden in talking about sensitive things that are difficult to open up about in an intimate manner and people can actually connect and share, in another sense, it's just a bunch of random, anonymous people. So if you feel a connection, you automatically want to question it's validity. I'll tell you what though, there are some good people on here who actually care. It really is a community in many senses. Now that that's out of the way we should probably get back to calling each other a bunch of dicks, cunts, and assholes.


True. Especially the last part. Everyone acts like a bunch of dicks and assholes to each other but it's all in good fun. It"s the fucking internet.

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after od'ing on tazo passion tea i had a revelation about the same people, yet my conclusions were a little different so i'll share....





Gliko and Hesh seem more like guys i know, that i hang out with. not really the bully type, just know their shit and talk shit about people that i'd talk shit about.


I agree with the Mams thing though, he seems like he has way too much fun and I find myself being envious after I see his pictures of his cool life.


Seeking, I don't really know...haven't really talked with him.


Some1 is like somejuan, and he seems cool like he likes krink in his butt or something.

Casek seems like a cool guy, and i've noticed he has started posting a lot more and venturing out from the tech thread. i think it may be do to his new found alcohol creations, or maybe just because he thinks i'm satan and he envisions satan making him sammiches.


Seffiks is the coolest guy ever and doesn't get much respect for what he does. I owe him beers.



Sherock and 1988 are so gay for each other it's disgusting, but not gay /gay


Bloodfart seems like the type of chick i can get drunk with, she just doesn't know yet.


Seven13 and EBP are...i don't know i don't know much about seven13 but ebph always has a lot to say, not in a bad way.



Ayebee i don't know him either.......


Catface is my supersonic. I can't wait to frollick with her in the snow and drink a latte with her.



AllTheWrongWords & PfffffffffffffffffffffffT are my HEAD ON team.......they always lure me head on stuff and somehow i can't resist.


Podrido is my little miami'in...he makes me laugh and says weird stuff to me


Caligula has stuff going on but he's so secretative. I thought he was caligurla or something, a female, but he let me know he wasn't a female. He's cool though and I plan on lunching with him someday.


SpreadAids is a very talented person, a nice guy that has two adorable cats and i don't even like cats.


KOH has the best taste in just about everything. very anti-stupid...


Alure and Dog Chapman are cute...Alure and I need to meet up and share some drinks and let the kids play.


CACashRefund is my hyphy nig...sippin' rummy gettin' dummy


and that's about it.



*oops i forgot about zerocool...he's still learning i think. he needs more guidance from me.

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he needs more guidance from me.


We'll see.


that shit was sick. you should be a fucking writer ........


I had a passion for it when I was in school.

Had a couple short stories published in kid magazines when I was in 7th grade.

Won a Statewide award on an essay about MLK.

But when Sophmore year hit I got into so much truouble I didn't even think about writing anymore.


I bet it'll be a good one.


I hope so too.....

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