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"I hate to point it out, the city provides less resources to lower class/"ethnic" neighborhoods. The graff rarely gets buffed because yeah, the city could care less.

Another important thing to factor into the buff equation, is the current fiscal crisis. How long before the city cuts back on the buff squad to compensate for budget shortfalls? They did back in Denver. "



--this city buffs the hoods hard and has been for the past 6 + yrs. they need to stop cleaning the walls and start cleaning up the garbage that litters every street in this dirty city. or maybe fix the broke ass roads.



Not up North...

They need to send SWAT DEATH SQUADS after all the junkies and drug thugs.

I think you need to be strapped if you want to hit shit anymore and not get hassled:cool:

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i no opions are like ass holes everyone got one but my pick who killed shit this year whould hands down go to 4ever yea afew people on that list climbed an did a few nice straights on 95 thats was bangin to look at for 3 weeks but serioulsly 4ever n boner bomb to hard for anyone really to come at them ...but i rather see dudes wit skill rather then rep these days def props to mix dude hold shit down i see him bombin hard also u see how many fills skero been doin ... just my opinion an it was great to see in the beginnin of the year bx bustion out hitn the subway an el lines then doin that high ass buildin downtown thats a bangin come back epic 666 praez n kayos an dero did a good amount of damage that was ill to see them to do it .

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Anyone got a pic of this bridge in NE Philly? Read below curious what it looks like. Sucks I don't live in philly anymore........


from fb....is irritated about the bridge that used to be painted as an American flag and welcomed people into NE Philadelphia when you enter Philly from Tacony bridge.... it now has now been painted over with 'spray paint art' and a rainbow of colors ...that looks like a weird flag... can we petitiion to get the flag and welcome back ?!?



i believe thats the tacony-palmyra bridge... the i-95 undrpass right after the bridge.

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ima say..





for all them roofs..that was dope.



everywhere i go just about.






for the pieces








for the longevity /comeback action



for making this list.





for being annoying as humanly possible.


i think this sums it up the best

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