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Silent Wrytes



Board Offline

12:45 am....friday morning



Here is an explanation as to why the site is off:


the short version:


moderation is lacking


the extended version:


A few people normally spend several hours on the site everyday deleting anything that will lead to chaos, moving things to the proper threads, and making sure no locations or personal information is posted. The internet can be terrible for graffiti and we always wanted a website that was good for graffiti. Good meaning alot of pictures and I think we have achieved that many times throughout the years. Sometimes I am actually amazed not a day passes without new flicks.


That leads me to a website full of new/old pictures and keeping beef off the site and in the streets. The reasons are because its truely about documentation and I want to motivate more people to help document. No one man could possibly document the graffiti in this city alone. Then on the flipside, when the beef is online, anonymous usernames begin popping up, alot of false information pops up, and sometimes names, locations, and phones numbers pop up. This is a public website and those kind of actions can lead to arrests, beatdowns, courtcases and eventually this website being shut down or taken from us. Too many rumors fly around on the internet that are far from true. This is when a website is bad for graffiti. Police have also been known to view forums like this and possibly make arrests so users should be cautious of that.


Another example....Every other week someone wants to start a topic or thread about the top 5 writers. These kind of conversations slip out of control fast and cannot exsist on this website. That shit will end up getting someone stabbed. Plus, you then have people listing their friends who wrote graff for 2 years in a top five all time list. That did happen more then once.


Also people asking way too many questions. Someone asked if you all park and walk or drive when you bomb. I have no patience for this stuff anymore. Your in the pieces thread asking about how people bomb and acting shadier then my ex wife. Then I have someone asking about a specific roof and wanting to know exactly when someone painted it. hmmm..Your banned! If your in the pieces thread and your not talking about pieces or posting pieces, it belongs in the bullshit thread. That is how every thread is supposed to be. I want people to go through the threads like picture archives and not have to weed through kids licking their friends nuts for 5 pages.


These people that are younger, dumber, and asking annoying/shady questions and comments. Those people shouldnt be talked back to. When you talk back to them, you acknowledge their statements. If you choose to talk back to those people, be prepared, because they have 15 usernames and 5 friends waiting to flood the board and bash you. I like to beat all of you to them and delete their posts before you even see them, but when I dont do that, oh boy, the hands thread turns into anything but hands. Thats how the site is right now. Its an absolute mess. I understand younger people trying to learn, but we got alot of members who have shown zero respect to graffiti and act like morons daily. Your gonna find a new home soon.


My point is lately the pictures have been consistent but the threads are falling apart. I would prefer pictures only in all the threads. Obviously that isnt realistic because people would like to comment on the pictures they are seeing. My solution is to delete all the posts that arent pictures every few months. That way people get to speak, but the threads get cleaned. I have done that the last few months, but it seems like I have to do it every 3 days now. There is alot going on inside all of those threads. From shady posts, to people pretending to be 5 different people, its just choas in that mutherfucker right now. I am on the move right now, I dont have my computer, I dont have any time, and I really see the site falling to shit in front of my eyes and there isnt anything I can do about it except shut the site off. I am not going to let all those threads go to shit because its creating more work for me to clean it. I will eventually find time to delete every single post that is not a picture and turn the site back on.


There are rules on this site that plenty of people dont pay atttention to and we are very lax, giving people plenty of chances. I just dont have the time to do that like I used to because there are 5,000+ members and now only a handful of moderators. For the people that just insist on posting that same piece 50 times, posting your friends over and over in the blackbook thread, complaing about why people can write a name but you cant, pretending to be someone your not, if you cant keep your bullshit in the bullshit thread, then your getting banned. Actually, since some of you like the nonsense so much, you should try going here and getting comfortable for a while....YourNewHome.com...They barely moderate and dont care if you post pictures, so life should be good there.


Cya next week....maybe everyone will paint this weekend since there is no website to sit on....maybe not.


- Silentwrytes







sum funny dudes ova there...............lol

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