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On that ERX piece: Simply put, ERX isn't a "toy", there are ERX tags still living older than how long MOON has been writing. That ERX piece is a classic example of early philadelphia letters, anyone who knows this cities tradition(s) can see that, and to clip a MOON piece (who is not the be all end all of pieceing (no diss tho, i do fuck with some of dudes work)) under a bridge that gets painted every weekend by someone new isn't TOY either, esp. if dudes and old head, would you go over a duck straight cause it looked "toy", No. Sorry for the chittchatt





Found next to DEVA tags which he dated circa mid-80's

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Re: erx, yeah, dude has been around for a while and put in mad work but that 'piece' is NOT hot. Old does not automatically equal hot. Calling that hot, even for its time period, is a bit of a stretch.


Re: boner, yall talk all this bullshit about the cat then as soon as he's on a hiatus yall lil bitches miss him. lol. Its amazing that so many of you BEGGED him to stop posting and now that he did yall still talkin. lol.


Re: delt, aint u the nut ass dude that got locked up tagging a newstand on jfk blvd couple months back? Not to mention youre a corny ass deltA wannabe. get the fuck outta here u fucking herb. U don't know shit and u aint shit.

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ERX got more rep than you ever had.

dont matter if that ONE "piece" aint up to your standards... you are a shit talking internet nobody.


Hmmm, and this is coming from who, TOT?? It amazes me how much u cats THINK u know. You're the moron posting flicks of lil bunny rabbits n shit yet I'm the internet nobody. Amusing. U have no idea who you're talking to, son. Get a hand and some decent straights, then we can talk, clown(shoes).

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Re: erx, yeah, dude has been around for a while and put in mad work but that 'piece' is NOT hot. Old does not automatically equal hot. Calling that hot, even for its time period, is a bit of a stretch.




Who gives a fuck about a piece?

I thought you was bringing Philly back?

You sticking up for Boner while shitting on Erx?

For real?

Are you even really from Philly?

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phillys finest !!!



Hmmm, and this is coming from who, TOT?? It amazes me how much u cats THINK u know. You're the moron posting flicks of lil bunny rabbits n shit yet I'm the internet nobody. Amusing. U have no idea who you're talking to, son. Get a hand and some decent straights, then we can talk, clown(shoes).



Sighs. Tot, why don't u just shut the fuck up?



:five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o:

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question... is there anyone on this website whos not a so-called "internet nobody"? like all anyone on this or any other website/blog does is sit here and act like they know more than anyone else and act like theyre actually somebody and spread their shitty opinions like herpes. bringinbackphilly, you are a douche bag and 98% of every1 with half a brain and eyes can see that. no1 gives a shit wat u have 2 say about anything because u are even more of a moron than most of the morons on here. and, btw, tot would burn the shit outta u any day of the week. sorry 2 take space away from those who post pics and not shitty opinions about nothing.


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question... is there anyone on this website whos not a so-called "internet nobody"? like all anyone on this or any other website/blog does is sit here and act like they know more than anyone else and act like theyre actually somebody and spread their shitty opinions like herpes. bringinbackphilly, you are a douche bag and 98% of every1 with half a brain and eyes can see that. no1 gives a shit wat u have 2 say about anything because u are even more of a moron than most of the morons on here. and, btw, tot would burn the shit outta u any day of the week. sorry 2 take space away from those who post pics and not shitty opinions about nothing.




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