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these past few pages have been DOPE! id prefer kitten, dogs in hotdog buns, and plenty of dope graff rather than seeing some whack ass BONER fake ass cartoon faces and his shitty throwys anyday. please keep the ill photos comin. P.S. BONER DOESNT EVEN HAVE A PHILLY HAND! he does not belong anywhere in this thread. boycott that mothafucka!

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these past few pages have been DOPE! id prefer kitten, dogs in hotdog buns, and plenty of dope graff rather than seeing some whack ass BONER fake ass cartoon faces and his shitty throwys anyday. please keep the ill photos comin. P.S. BONER DOESNT EVEN HAVE A PHILLY HAND! he does not belong anywhere in this thread. boycott that mothafucka!


yall some jealous ass lil bitches. lol. boner this, boner that. get off his dick. whatchu write? u got more rep than boner? matter of fact, do u have more rep than ANYONE thats bombing right now? post ya shit.

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yall some jealous ass lil bitches. lol. boner this, boner that. get off his dick. whatchu write? u got more rep than boner? matter of fact, do u have more rep than ANYONE thats bombing right now? post ya shit.


you clearly have no reason to be telling anyone to hop off his dick......and also your gonna call somebody a toy post your own shit to back that up............

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Hahaha. The guy actually posts to defend boner, yet asks me to 'hop off his dick." The kettle calling the pot black. I don't write for any other reason than to have fun, you're mad on the internet. This is hilarious to me. Boner is annoying, no bigger nerd writing in Philadelphia. Nothing more needs to be said.

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I wouldnt hate on BONER if he had an original B face and his wickets were REAL philly hands but the truth is, hes from NY and hes all over a philly thread?!?!? that nigga should go back home and do his thing there. he has no skill, all his shit is the same and its a shame this thread is being wasted by people posting flicks of someone who doesnt even belong in this thread. and dont worry, ill be posting some REAL Philly graff once i organize my photos. if all you BONER dick sucking groupies love him so much start his own thread and get his trash off this page. its wasting my time and everyone else who peeps the philly thread looking for TRUE philly writers. FUCK THAT NIGGA

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Hahaha. The guy actually posts to defend boner, yet asks me to 'hop off his dick." The kettle calling the pot black. I don't write for any other reason than to have fun, you're mad on the internet. This is hilarious to me. Boner is annoying, no bigger nerd writing in Philadelphia. Nothing more needs to be said.


you're a clown. i challenged YOU to take his rep OR the rep of ANY other writer who is currently up. how you gonna come in here clowning YOURSELF by boycotting a mother fucker who's doing one thing and one thing only .... BOMBING???? why does it matter where anyone is from. the thread is called 'PHILLY' .. not 'writers FROM philly' you simple anus sucking fag. u damn right i am gonna defend ANYONE that puts in the work which apparently you don't do otherwiase you'd be posting your own shit .. so shut the fuck up.

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and I'M mad????? fuckin nut. eat my dick. lol


It was simply typed, you on the other hand have put an honest effort in defending this tool. I don't even know what a boner boycott would be. I mean, I'm forced to look at his shit when I'm walking around. He could leave Philadelphia, that would be nice. I'd prefer to see more hands of ours rather than him crowding up usable space.

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I never thought i would chime in on this thread again...but this is gettin retarded

speaking from a "oldhead" standpoint and def not hiding behind a screenname

i have seen alot of writers come and go , ALOOOOOTT!!

Boner aint the first and def wont be the last writer to bomb Philly ...

all thru the 70's 80's 90's etc writers traveled back and forth from Ny to Philly

taking their styles with them.. I personally credit 2 Ny based writers as some of

my greatest influences Share [Vet] & Cee67 ..but the list of travelers that planted seeds

in this city goes way deeper and for all the young dudes on here Philly

set off alot of graf trends in ny as well Topcat126 was an ill Philly writer that moved to Nyc

and bombed the #1 Broadway line hard , so hard they named our philly "gangster hand" the "broadway" or "broadway elegant" hand style..Babyrock a well respected Nyc writer down

with Fba crew and the Ballbusters bombed trains hard and came to Philly and put this town on smash as well ..

The point im getting at is instead of people gettin all pissy , learn from dude ..

learn how to bomb, or learn how not to bomb..take what you want from him

dude is here , he aint leaving..hes from NY and he has a Ny hand, Ny state of mind..

that doesnt mean he doesnt respect philly , our fucking hands are hard as shit to learn

some of you will NEVER master them ..when i go to ny or anywhere else

i sign my shit PREONE PHILLY! ... I dont "become" the city im in..so why should he or any

other writer..

and as far as the "cartoony" face b.s. goes ..you must have forgot about SPEL and MET

2 philly KINGS who pioneered putting eyeballs and faces in their throwups in philly ..and writers have always taken advertising icons and comic art and incorporated them into their styles..thats another way we say FUCK YOU to the system and the "established art world" we take their shit and bomb with it ..


instead of complaining do like bringinphillyback says..bomb harder than Boner..

there damn sure aint a lack of walls or space ..and GRAFFITI IS ALL ABOUT



Read Infamous Magazine hitting the shelves in less than 2 weeks lol ......

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