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i dont recall who it was that said it but to say you'd rather see an oz tag than a boner throw up is just fucking retarded. thats like apples and oranges. and thats not a dis to oz its a simple ode to the proper lineage of what gets respect in the graff game. tags are at the bottom, pieces are at the top and throws come in between. [/size]




This nut aint even from Philly!!! :lol:


I'll bet he's typing from his moms computer in Idaho.

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i9 havent seen enough of the other people you named..


n philly is a hand town dude..... always has been... id rather seen a top to bottom wicket with a dope punchline then a legal wall....




get out of here for real. you got no say in philly graffiti. and you never seen any of the other writers mentioned cause most of them got erie routes. you probably dont go past frankford and cottman haha

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get out of here for real. you got no say in philly graffiti. and you never seen any of the other writers mentioned cause most of them got erie routes. you probably dont go past frankford and cottman haha


naw i just think most of them suck when they do write.. either have no can control or only one style n cant do throws or straight letters... and i like pieces... its a shame after the 80's n earley 90's none of the good piecers came from north or west and all from the north east and kensington n fishtown n port richmond ... cmon now.. and if you knew what dope handstyle were or didnt just dickeat someone cause they got rep youd see what im saying is truth... and i aint dissing anyone a spades a spade...


and philly will always be a hand town especially now.. cause either u got the legal eagles who aint got hands or are outa towners or you got dudes that got hands but cant do shit else.. and on the whol philly aint known aborad for having ill piecers... we got flat black tall prints n wickets


it was differant back in the day sure.. you had to do it all.. but this aint back in the day this is the present and most dudes cant do a fucking throw up let alone a piece... or they rock a straight letter with 2 differant colors and call it a piece






but your right... i have never crossed cottman ave in my life.. :confused:

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and ive never claimed i was good or anything..... i never claimed i have rep. i havent done a real route like since like 03 and even then it was a rarity.. i dont giv a fuck about people seeing my shit cause i dont give a fuck about people ....but dont mean i dont pay attention to whats going on cause i still enjoy reading the walls ...... maybe not as much as i used to ..... but i still loook...


but im just another nobody my opion dont mean shit on the whole... if you think the majority of writers ( that came out 05 -06 n later) got a dope style ... more power to you .......

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who said anything about a msk thread??? id honestly rather see a nise piece then a rime piece. but id think people who have been writing for the last 10 years would have some motivation to do a respectable throw let alone a straight letter. but i guess the people who cant do pieces/throws/straights stick behind the "philly is a hand town."


Philly IS a hands town. Anything after that is just bonus...

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A lot of cats here only write because of hands.... I know personally I started writing when I was 11 after seeing a wicket, and I never attempted to learn anything beyond a few throws because the only thing that mattered to me was hands. That is graffiti to me.


As far as I'm concerned, if it ain't a hand and it ain't from Philly then I don't give a fuck about it.

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A lot of cats here only write because of hands.... I know personally I started writing when I was 11 after seeing a wicket, and I never attempted to learn anything beyond a few throws because the only thing that mattered to me was hands. That is graffiti to me.


As far as I'm concerned, if it ain't a hand and it ain't from Philly then I don't give a fuck about it.




and yet, you buy your condoms from gucci. go figure.


my hats are oshkosh all the way to members only. no shame in my game.

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and ive never claimed i was good or anything..... i never claimed i have rep. i havent done a real route like since like 03 and even then it was a rarity.. i dont giv a fuck about people seeing my shit cause i dont give a fuck about people ....but dont mean i dont pay attention to whats going on cause i still enjoy reading the walls ...... maybe not as much as i used to ..... but i still loook...


but im just another nobody my opion dont mean shit on the whole... if you think the majority of writers ( that came out 05 -06 n later) got a dope style ... more power to you .......


preach on L preach

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Philly IS a hands town. Anything after that is just bonus...

no doubt, the pyramids got me in to graff just allways wanted to learn how to piece way before i even knew about hands in philly, creep and razz &nome100x were some of the first shit i started noticing.

heres some reruns for starting some bullshit..
















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