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Writin a paper.. anyone wanna help?


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So i got this project due tomorrow.. and its a paper i gotta write defining terrorism and freedom fighters.. this is what i got so far:



Freedom Fighter: A word used by lots of people to describe many things. Some “Freedom Fighters” are also called terrorists, rebels, or assassins. Mostly only used to describe people who actively involve themselves in an armed rebellion, not one of a peaceful nature.

During the Cold War, the term 'freedom fighter' was widely used by the United States and other Western Block countries to describe rebels in countries controlled by communist states or otherwise under the influence of the Soviet Union, including rebels in Hungary, the anti-Communist Contras in Nicaragua, UNITA in Angola and the multi-factional mujahideen in Afghanistan.

A revolutionary is a dude who either advocates or actively engages in some kind of revolution. The term "revolution" may be used to refer to a sudden change in any field; someone may speak of political revolutionaries, social revolutionaries, revolutionary scientists, inventors, artists, etc.


Terrorism: Used to describe violence or other harmful acts used against civilians by groups for political, nationalist, or religious reasons. Terrorist attacks are usually called indiscriminate, the targeting of civilians, or executed “without disregard to human life”.

Terrorists normally don’t identify themselves so they use the terms: separatist, Freedom fighter, liberator, revolutionary, vigilante, militant, paramilitary, guerilla, rebel, jihad, mujaheddin, or Feyadeen. You can terrorize someone in many different ways, like flying planes into our buildings, or mailing anthrax to people. One 1988 study by the US Army found that more than one hundred definitions of the word "terrorism" exist and have been used.


So that means there isn’t just one way of doing it, and it isn’t just one group of people that do it. Anyone can do it. There are and have been training camps for terrorists, for example the terrorist attack on 9/11, the hijackers took flying courses. They didn’t just hijack some huge airplanes and fly them into buildings like some people think; they knew exactly what they were doing. Which is just sad.






if you got anything to add just post it here and tell me what you think of what i have so far.. thanks.

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i'm not being a smartass, but have you browsed through wikipedia at all? thats honestly how i write most of my papers, and I usually end up with a pretty good grade.


Just bs off of the tidbits you find.

Don't forget your thesis statement, and your closing statement.


I'm sure you know this, but that's pretty much what makes the paper.

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Ok... Theres a few ways you could go at this one... You want to start with a thesis statement. A question or observation that the paper will be centered around... For example... 1 mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist. Or.... " The Webster Dictionary definition of terrorist is ....." my research has caused me to conclude that this definition is a) good or b) lacking and misleading. Use scholarly research to support your argument.


The beauty of this topic is that theres not wrong answer. Only poor writing will result in a bad grade. Get online and use the journals. JSTOR shit like that. Primary sources will be easy to find because terrorism has been a widely discussed topic for the better part of 10 years. Primary sources would be... briefs from world leaders.... Govt documents.

You dont have to agree with them just lay out the facts and discuss them as objectively as possible. Get with the librarian if you cant find primary sources but its an easy find. Secondary research is going to be even easier to locate. Ie. Books magazine newspaper.


Use a particular group or region... Discuss North Ireland or Palestine in the body of the research paper. Use footnotes and endnotes. Keep your thesis in mind while you write the paper. Dont stray too far from it. After you lay out the meat of the paper... you tie up loose ends and formulate a conclusion ( the answer to your thesis question)

Hope that helps.

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if you're going to write about this topic academically you need to try and round out those definitions. for instance, the literal meaning of 'freedom fighter' is quite different than the reality of some of the examples you used. were the contras really freedom fighters? the term is also applied by hypocrits and criminals since it is universally considered a noble label. is the dalai lama a freedom fighter? what about hamas?

defining terrorism/terrorist is equally difficult. if you go by the US govt's own definition, they routinely fall under it, as do virtually all states. however, states justify their own terrorism under the ruse of counterterror.

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