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shameless self promotion

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Ahaha what a goose.


Posted: Jun 26, 2006 21:40 Post subject: I am very sorry




i dont have too much time for this place anymore. i have work and legal troubles. i might even face jailtime now. im real stressed and shit.


i worked very hard on this site, and it is looking to failure. in my absence, i am asking you all keep this site alive in my name.


this is one hting i created and has ectually ben clos to making it work. dont let my dream die, im sorry i let yall down. i gotta take another dose' i cant sleep stressed out

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Joined: 26 Aug 2006

Posts: 40

Location: at hevans gates....


PostPosted: Aug 30, 2006 18:46



i rip of the school lunch room


like sodas and shit and i sell it for cheap i get a pretty good profit ..


knowlegde iz power....increase the peace

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How yall niggaz wanna die?

Okay, mine is like realistic (i guess that one kinda is too though....lol)


If I die fightin, it betta be like i took out like a shit load of da enemy (whoever they are) at da side of mah G


Frum natural causes...


unrealistically >>>


Fuccin hard as hell, higha den a muthafucca, and a real tipsy in mansion after ive completed all of my life tasks


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