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whats the deal anyone know how its done? materials etc.


I've done a few statues of my own but guess what....






However, if you're a cute asian girl I'd be more than willing to help

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1. make a mold in the shape of what you want to make


2. fill mold with concrete, quickcrete, molten metal, plastic, etc


3. Let filling cool/harden sufficiently


4. Break away your mold to reveal your statue


5. use appropriate adhesive substance to anchor your statue in a visible place.


but please, don't try this....I don't want to drive to work and see your half assed statue crap dotting the freeway

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lens please brother. im like a fucking picasso. i graff dance and bust statues like its my job.. no really though, ill probably never really do this stuff, i just wanted to give it a shot. its the mold part i dont understand. how is that done?

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Well, you pretty much just create a caste with a material you'll be able to easily seperate from the filling you use to create the actual stature itself.


Tiki Jo simply taped a bunch of cardboard together to create a tiki head. Once the inside hardened he just peeled it off and the heads were ready to go.


Personally, i think stuff like metal graffiti sculptures/statues, bolted on artwork is the future of graffiti.

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