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How do you know when you've had a good party...


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I just moved into a new huge house with a couple people. We had about 60 people there last night at my house last night there was a wolf in my house, there was hammocking, beer pong, sex no drugs that I know of but there was rock and roll, and Asian bitches that even Lens would envy.



Some1 knows when he has thrown a kick ass party when his roommate wakes up and somebody shit in his closet...


I want to know some of the signs that tells you when you have had a good party...

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  • Replies 64
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someone climbs on your roof to drop all their hard earned cash on the crowd


having a halloween party so amazing noone makes plans for next year


running into friends from 10 years ago that didn't know it was your party


bathroom sex then laughing at her infront of the party


the police grab a beer


living on the second floor and finding passedout party goers on the forth floor laundry room


running out at 3am to grab twice as much beer you grabbed at 9pm


not a drop of booze left the next day


4 and half girls sloppy in your bed and they all want to go out for pancakes to discuss

how last night will never be discussed again but must happen again next weeked

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the police grab a beer


not a drop of booze left the next day


4 and half girls sloppy in your bed and they all want to go out for pancakes to discuss

how last night will never be discussed again but must happen again next weeked


1. Apparently somebody I live with was a fire fighter they know all the state cops who frequent their parties and let them do anything...so they say...


2. I have had this happen twice...with two diff threesome. Girls really bug out when they realize they just dyked out there bestfriend while their best friend sucked my dick...




+10 for the wolf

-2 for the beer pong

+2 for typing like your still drunk on the day after


How do I get neg'd on the beer pong? I mean everybody plays beer pong... we had a bunch of differnt drinkin games that night as well


Im interested to know how and why a wolf got in your house. And I wanna see pics of the bitches.


My friends friend has a wolf puppy. Does that take down the cool factor? Thing is crazy runs in jumps on me starts eatting my pants and biting everything. Best pet ever... How bad is that "what kinda dog you got?" "Its not a dog its a wolf".



Oh yea there were semi automatic weapons hunting sniper rifles and handguns out all night... My roomate is a fucking nut he has so many guns...


I held this gun for the first time and yes it is in my house and I cant wait till someone breaks in...




All these kids are fucking hicks I am the "city boy", last night was my first night there I walk into the house and my roomate goes "We are having deer meat stew tomorrow night, I killed bambi on friday and its goin in the crock pot". then he goes back to trimming the fucking meat down all by hand...




Eh the bitches they brought were all sub-par my asians were the best out of all the girls that came. I dont have my camera yet I should have one within the next month or two so I will show you guys all the hickish shit that goes down.

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I thought it was going to be boring in hickville. They told me to wait till wintertime when they take their quads and snowmobiles to parties instead of driving. I apparently will be going off roading sometime this week and "mud running" with the 4x4's fucking these hicks are fun. I got asked if I was from the city like 3 times I just responded with "You gotta perdy mouth."

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then she told me about some1 she fucked and i didnt want to fuck her anymore. .


Why man I only punch top choice grade A meat flaps... I am not dirty... Those arent herpes they are love bumps!


I couldnt of slept with her anyways if she is still alive... Wonk Saggin

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I like throwing parties. All my friends come over to meet me. I save money. Bitches have direct access to my bed. If anyone fucks around I can beat the fuck out of them. My roommates are hicks and I like showing them off to my city friends. I like having wolves in my house...


And I mean the house has to get cleaned sometime...

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deterrent's list gave me smiles... this is familiar:


running out at 3am to grab twice as much beer you grabbed at 9pm/

not a drop of booze left the next day




cops pay a visit only to see 20+ drunk guys in a tunnel in the middle of the forest, with 3 barrels of booze, throwing spray paint into a burning barrel


cops leave saying "you're all fucking stupid"


the next day everyone notices that a single marker has stained everyone's clothes. even the girls who never touched the marker


the same cops appear to a houseparty, find the same ppl, say "dont you guys ever sleep" ask about the campfire reported on the balcony


unknown chick at the video store knows about the party


only half leave to the bar, rest stays in the houseparty


same half comes back from the bar few hours later to continue drinking


you find internet messageboard thread, with pictures, in quest for finding the guilty


only you can recognize your own graffiti

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