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im going out bombing in town tomorrow. was wondering if you have any spots youd recommend?


yeah bro, i know some dope spots homie. i can hook you up. there is a really killer spot right on the corner of V st. you know it? here i even googlemapped it for you.





stay up big homie.



if you want to get at me holla



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Hi everyone I'm looking for spots to put my stickers. I might bring a stencil or something, it depends if my mom gets suspicious or not. Also, does anyone know where I can get some good crayons? I have this new coloring book but no crayons to color with. I'm going to bring like twenty stickers so call me all-city if you want. Ok great I look forward to hearing from you all! Have a great day.

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All from around Montgomery mall in Bethesda, or the surrounding area:



IMAG0363-1 by Leonidas126, on Flickr


IMAG0364 by Leonidas126, on Flickr


IMAG0365 by Leonidas126, on Flickr


IMAG0366 by Leonidas126, on Flickr


IMAG0395 by Leonidas126, on Flickr


IMAG0396 by Leonidas126, on Flickr


IMAG0397 by Leonidas126, on Flickr


IMAG0400 by Leonidas126, on Flickr


IMAG0401 by Leonidas126, on Flickr

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I don’t practice man.. I don’t even got a black book. I guess you can say my shit evolve as I go along with it. I just wanna get up, but I still make sure my shit’s decent. You peep my alien trademark? I know that ain’t ya average tag.

What the fuck? stay in PG dude.. and Stop blowing up spots in your interviews Super star

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"I started doing Graff waaaay back when I was still a kid."


"the main reason I even started graffiti was from a video game called “Jet Set Radio Future”


:lol: This is an oxymoron. But really though, I give Art his respect... at least dude puts in some work, and not some pussy talking shit on 12oz. Dude got interviewed, so what?!? Haters gonna hate.

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Been runnin through the past 50 or so pages of this thread checkin pics and tryin to get an idea of whats been goin on. I been outa the sceen since 2003 at which time I was up as much as any1 in DC. However I notice a lot of my old spots have been gone over by u newbies. I'm bein fair and puttin it out there that anyone who has crossed ( gone over) any of my work I'll be reclaiming all my spots. Any other work I see around done by some1 who has crossed my work I'll be capping all their work along with any member of their crue. Don't get me wrong either I'm not an asshole and as long as you respected my work and didn't cap it you got nothin to worry bout. I see people on here nowdays givin respect to peeps like this clown CHE LMAO. Suckas like that wouldn't have made it 10 years ago with weak ass bombs and spot jocking. Seems he's ultras little exit hole buddy tho so what can u expect. Ultra was so shook by me and my crew he strait stopped writing for years. It's a fuckin laugh to see people givin that old fuck any kinda respect nowadays. He wasn't shit then still aint now and wont be even when he gets outs jail. Anyways looking forward to gettin back on the sceen and strait burnin shit up

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Another thing a lot of you newer guys got to learn is it aint bout only hittin spots inside dc. Nothin wrong at all with hittin spots in the burbs and along the highways. A good size strait letter on the side of 95 gets seen more in a day then any street fill in dc does in a month. Two reasons for this . If you do a 12-15 foot long strait letter on a sound wall beside the highway thats not already covered with graf it sticks out like a sore thumb and people will read it whether they tryin to or not. Second reason is that as most of you know when bombing inside dc you gotta work real fast. the end result is a bomb that ( while may look good and be legable to you and other graf writers) realisticly the average person passing by can't even read it and if you can't read it whats the point. You might as well write a different name every time. back in the early 2000s I destroyed all lines, was king of the streets in dc, hit a clean train in early 03, a number of spots on all the major highways in and out of dc, and a little over 100 frieghts.

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