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come around wow pleazeeee dont hurt me!!!!!

come around were ur hood in md wow wat a real hoo...d....:lol:


well if your not in MD DC or VA why are you in the DC thread anyway, if your here just to knock dudes shit then whats ur life about...unless you need attention cause mommy and daddy didnt give it to you. im not claimin any hood and i dont live in the hood...but be damn sure if you wanna keep talkin shit you better step up or else your just a punk. if you wanna wreck PM me, ill be around. just keep this shit off the threads.

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we all know your Sucks Penis Constantly. sime would fucking smash you and you know it.

i would fucking give you the beatdown of you life and you say you'll come to my house...well do it fool. nonodys stoping you i'll tell you where to meet me. and we will handle this.

fuckin dope sick washed up old man. hahahaha

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thats probly oricl hes been on spcs nuts latley i love how they are so seriously thinking spc is good oricl has a hand and a ok throwy his peices are SHIT keep ridin mecas nuts boys


oricl is GuiltyByAssocation.


hang around the barber shop your as iss gonna get a haircut...

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we all know your Sucks Penis Constantly. sime would fucking smash you and you know it.

i would fucking give you the beatdown of you life and you say you'll come to my house...well do it fool. nonodys stoping you i'll tell you where to meet me. and we will handle this.

fuckin dope sick washed up old man. hahahaha


sime is a pussy and you know it.i met him and he was swinging from my nuts.

Your scrawny ass wouldnt do shit but run from me like every other toy that talk shit on here.

Thats why your hiding behind a computer,fag.


"washed up old man?" ha you wouldnt stand a chance in hell against me.Get Beatdown Again faggot.

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thats probly oricl hes been on spcs nuts latley i love how they are so seriously thinking spc is good oricl has a hand and a ok throwy his peices are SHIT keep ridin mecas nuts boys


Damn you are such a fucking toy faggot.Orical would smash your bitch ass.


Keep riding eons nuts toy.

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well, like i said, i don't really paint that much anymore. but next time i do, i'll be sure to let you check it out. be critical all you want, i don't give a fuck. i'm not gonna get my fucking feelings hurt if someone points out some shit that's wrong with my piece. i've been painting for long enough that i've long since gotten over that garbage.


think what you want, say what you want, who cares. but if you've got something negative to say, have a reason. have something to back it up. and that's no internet thuggery on my part, i'm not saying "oh if you don't like my shit, we're fighting". what i mean is, if you've got something negative to say about something someone painted, don't just sit there and say "that sucks", pint out what sucks about it, and then maybe in the future, that person can work on that (if they can handle a little criticism).


i like to see good lookign graffiti. it's not about fucking arrows and whatever other fancy shit you want to put on your piece, as long as you make it look good.


feel free to keep attacking my screen name, for all the good that does.




exactly my point..i dont paint that much anymore either means you dont paint ever or you paint a little bit and you suck so bad you dont want anyone to see it. until you can burn that shit without a doubt keep your mouth shut. and for the record im not rose..and graffiti is all about arrows bitch get your shit straight..fraudulent ass screen name too you probably dont even listen to hip hop..and EVERYONE knows graffiti is hip hop. post pictures of your super straight 3ds or keep it to yourself

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spc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca baspspc meca spc meca bac mespc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac mecspc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac mespc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac mspc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca baspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca baeca spc meca ba spc meca baspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba ca spc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca baspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca ba spc meca baspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba a spc meca ba spc mecaspc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca baspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc mspc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc mspc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca baspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba eca ba spc meca baspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba eca ba spc meca baspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba baspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba ca spc meca baspc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca baspc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca baspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca baspspc mespc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca baspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba ca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca baspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca baspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca spc meca baspc spc meca spc meca bamecaspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba spc meca baspspc meca spc meca bac meca spc meca ba o0o0 and no i never had no fukin love 4 rm no 1 am a gangster just like roze

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Keep it up xJIHADx . Keep fuckin up the thread. U got the right idea. DC dosent need this shit. Theres no reason to have it. It makes beef and, It gives a voice to people who Shouldn't be talking. Motherfuckers dont even paint anymore.They TYPE letters and get up on 12oz. its SO SAD.

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YO take that shit to the street its ok to talk shit as long as you are doing something about it And maybe I am GB Fucking A WHO CREW and not to name all the others Anyone that puts a bm next to thier word start doging me because thats what im going to do to you IKE I missed you the night you came to my bar but ill put a shrip on the barbie and you can come back down any of your other clowns whant it thats where ill be drinking beer thinking about what i will go over next laughing about it.

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I could honestly care less if you two dis all of my shit, (referring to ORICL and SPC) I'll get my picture, so I'll be happy. Big deal. You're in this little "war" by yourselves because I actually have a life other than graffiti, going to secluded spots that are a pain in the ass to get in the first place to only to dis a few pieces is childish. Keep up the good work.



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