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history lesson 101




look at that meskoner hand, thats dc style, thats the style brought to you my mesk, wake, remer, joker, etch...


smk, dah and cycle brought some ny influence but those are the original dc kids, the original mca crew.


i remember mca nights at the canals, that shit would be so fun, everybody got along, everybody bombed together, moc/mata, rust, 15 year old felon, those nights at cycles dorm, when aup was aup and it was a secret, damn kyle, i miss those days, i remember going to philly to see your shit when you moved there, those me with the tongue, in a way its all our fault, the newer generation for not keeping that shit alive, your stop ignorance piece at the wall, the wake(!) piece, all that shit, even all the cycle stuff, i think about it and it makes me wanna turn the clock back and somehow make all that come back. fuck it...




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I love the mash up of communication that's going on here. There's people posting about different topics within one thread. Maybe the memoires of us old folks should be in the old folks thread...


Caster, I remember the days... every thing you said + more. Joker and I rockin a full production on the roof of the Bayou (now that was an easy roof to get up onto)... E to E freights and not even catchin' flicks, walking the Whitehurst Freeway with Rem... and again, not catching flicks... coming back from college and seeing your scripts change and refine... and see them EVERYWHERE.


Truth be told, Joker & Etch (was writing something else at the time) were the style kings... Jerry Inscoe is a draftsman on par with Durer. Making the intial trip with Joker to Charm City was a majore influence... to the point that I changed from Raze, Sark & Kasm to Mesk (Mask had some great hands and I was already addicted to writing like a mescaline addict).


The B-more scripts and peicing styles were very important in influencing DC's style. Mainly by opening us up to new options of letterforms when, at the time, the dominate influence of the current graff was NYC. This made it easier for me to assimilate Philly's script styles.


Ok, that's it. I'm headin' over to the Bmore thread to look for Shakein slams. BTW, have anyone ever seen some of his old pieces? HOLY CRAP! Unbelievable!


Dig in the crates, kids... don't settle for online images for inspiration. Walk the neighborhoods you bomb (or wanna bomb), rub shoulders with the people that actually live there. Talk to them.


IF YOU ARE OF ANY MORE PRIVELEGED MEANS THAN THESE PEOPLE, YOU SHOULD NOT BE BOMBING THEIR NEIGHBORHOOD. If you are not, consider that you still shouldn't be bombing your peer's community.


Look at art, find old copies of On the Go (the black and white ones), It's Yours, GSXL, IGTimes, and Ghetto Art (whoops, Can Control).


Know your history. I'm still learning up here in Bklyn.


In closing: I'm no king (but I used to rock it fine), and there are plenty of people that hold it down for longer and in more convincing ways. I'll paint a legal wall (wife and kids to support), but I am not in it to win it (like I was at one time). Cats need to understand that you gotta build, explore, express and grow. IMHO, graffiti is deeply intertwined with movement.


Whoa... this turned into an open love letter to graff... sorry about the mushiness.

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IF YOU ARE OF ANY MORE PRIVELEGED MEANS THAN THESE PEOPLE, YOU SHOULD NOT BE BOMBING THEIR NEIGHBORHOOD. If you are not, consider that you still shouldn't be bombing your peer's community.




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ATB- if that was a joke... I laughed out loud... very funny. If you were serious, GREAT! If you were serious, you would have to see how I would find it funny if it was a joke, right?


TheBalance- uhh, yea... ofcourse, if Dan was bombin' poor sections of the continent, but come on, I could understand a scratch tag for posterity, "Hey, I'm up in Sudan...", but really, from what I hear about the continent, you are either bowled over by it's beauty or crushed by the utter sadness of the people's condition... BTW, flights to Africa are wicked expensive... it would be strange to go to Africa and bomb it... unless... you were wrecking shop on old apart-hate establishments... that I could see as being valid and beneficial.


I am sure everyone has seen Banksy's pieces in Isreal/Palestine by now...


Cheerleader- Thanks. I didn't know I had that effect... Espo, Sat, Den and Enem where always the ones to watch and be amazed... I have been itchin to go to Philly and paint... to do a tour of duty... know anyway to get in contact with Sat AFU? The email I have is shot...


Oh, and to make sure this thread doesn't turn into the self-indulgent warblings of an old man...










Emit on his first trip to DC




SMK on a frieght (nice layup... sorry, cut off the other dude's peice)




El Heffe on his first painting excursion to DC.


Clean walls in AUP? Unheard of...

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Yo, cheerleader, thanks! I know about Sat's dj'ing xploits, I downloaded a few of his mixes and I ran into Kenny with Steve a few months back... Damn holmes, has a lot of hair... what's up with y'all Philly cats and yer long hair? Ari has shoulder length as well... and, I am sure that if Steve's hair laid down, it might be the same length!!!


I'll check out the blackbook section and try to contact Jim.

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