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Super Z

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God... toys coming on these threads asking potentially life saving questions... Havent you ever heard of finding anything out for yourself?




that shit made me laugh hard, every time ive gone on a billy it seems to be -THE BEST- drunkin Idea of the night, and once.. the worse night of my life in lockup... :(

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i wonder how well would they hold up in a holding cell



by lockup do you mean a holding cell or jail or something?


or is that where they send juveniles or something? idn. i never got taken in for anything when iw as a minor, so i dont know what all thats about.



do the backs of billboards, its way better.

actually, its less lit up at night so less people would see you, also they higher the billboard is, lit up or not, the less likely passerbys are to look up at it because theyre too busy concentrating on driving at night without looking drunk or hitting speedbumps and catching some teeth or something

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  • 2 weeks later...
usually you can break open the electrical box near the bottom of the pole with a rock


if you press the button inside itll lower the ladder on most newer model billboards


most useful info in this thread besides the whole insert to anus thing....thats pretty useful to i gues, so i know to wear gloves, dont want no other cats shit on my hands...

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