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scenesters emos gheys hardcorekids


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i just got back from the scenester club and i noticed everyone in there looks liks a copy of eachother. what the fuck is up with that shit

things i tend to notice

every single pale chic has dyed black hair with either a mullet haircut or their bangs cut short.

and they are usually acompanied by some lame ass fucking dress that looks something like a moo moo type shit with pumps (i dont get it)

then theres the guys who wear flanel long sleeve button shirts and tight jeans who look like they just got off a farm with the haircuts all combed to the side like a lame. (ghey)

then theres like a giant group of kids with tatoos earplugs short hair fitted caps dickies and chucks.

not to mnetion the emos with the fucking rooster like haircuts and the super tight pants that make me run out of breath when i see them.

thank god theres no more blazers around i hated that shit

then the obvious graffiti kids

fuck maybe im just getting old but this shitis mad lame:shakehead:

to top off the night there was this really fat chic dancing around me and i felt like i was in orbit for a second there.

OH and the really bad white trash looking girls who have like gangster tatoos quotes on themselves or better yet brassknuckles

who the fuck are u kidding


oh yeah and there where like 500 lesbians there.


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maybe emos are like .. the subconcious human response to all the woes in the world (let's face it, emo kids generally have nothing to be sad about, they're usually from well off backrounds and get all their eyeliner bought for them by mummy) they could be like the Earths equivalent to like .. I dunno, bags under your eyes or a boil or a migrain or SOMETHING like that which occurs under stress, drepression or whatever.


feel free to add to this theory

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Look at this douchebag. With his ironically hip, retro eighties shirt. INXS sucked then, dog, and man was I glad when fuckface decided to "chokeout with his yolk out. Fucking young kids. Lets not forget about the double gay eyeliner, the triple gay haircut, and that homo-palegic pose. Dude, first off, any girl who thinks you look good like that needs a serious case of "choked to death in front of her parents", and second off, You still look like the "sisters of Mercy and Pee Wee Herman had a kid, no matter how many tattoos you gots there, got that, Nose Ring Oner?


-KOH/sometimes the "H" stands for "Hate".

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Well, looks like your city is overrun. Either enjoy it like I do (I like me some scenester girls) or go to dress code spots where you won't have to subject yourself to these losers.


aren't dress code heads bigger losers though because they're just letting some one else think for them




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