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Don't know why yall are beefing, but it is entertaining.... real talk tho lcm is a better crew as far as skill and style..

But as far as actual vandalism on the streets motion has all of lcm beat...and after all is said and done

The point is vandalism on the streets....(not the same tunnels or bridges)

My 2cents

Thanks for reading this. Peace to all of you ....

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nigga is you serious? posting music quotes that have nothing to do with graffiti...


this kinda shit is the reason everyone thinks you're GAY.


stick to reposting the same gay flicks that have been reposted a million times in this thread.


or better yet, change your name and find some style.


u silly....

why u mad..cnt handle the feeling of being a neglected fagot

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eee u broke my heart carnal


i ant tryin to be mean ese,ha just sayin its kinda the same. seems like all you kids are fightng for respect a fight no one ever wins.I was just saying you could use a new word ya know? aw fuck it i guess it just means you gotta put it down harder than SESTOR, ha ha that shouldnt be hard a.. ha ha i ant bagin on you like he rest of these toys are i dont even know whp this is, alot of you kids think your hard it gets old fast if you act like a gangster the graff game ant for you go join a gang and die faster. and i feel ya man i am retarded and handicapped. but dont fuck with me a have a 50 cal on my wheel chair.:D

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Damn tho honestly... wvk is a joke.

half their activity is shitty tags posted right after they were done by sesos

the other half is bullshit hacks that dont even compare to the style they dissed

wvk should have some respect for graff and STOP. :eek:


yourr just mad cuz wvk gets their ups and and were quick with the flicks to show u was up

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