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also, all these things are considered blowing up spots, are frowned upon, and will probably get you banned:


"did anyone see that new _________ piece/throwup/whatever on the corner of ________ and _________"

you just told the cops the location of a new piece of graffiti, and the person they can go looking for to clean it. dumbass. keep your mouth shut. if you want to see a photo on 12oz of the piece, go take it yourself and post it. try to keep details to a minimum.


">insert writer's old name< also writes >insert writer's new name<"

the reason people change their name often times is because they're catching alot of heat, and a new name is a way of dropping off the radar. by saying something like this you've just blown their cover.


">insert person's screen name< writers >insert tag<"

again, you're helping the cops tie someone's online statements to their illegal activities.


as you should already know, don't post pics of people's faces, their real names, or their addresses. doing any of the above makes you a snitch, and as such makes you a knife and bullet magnet.


i don't care how much beef you've got with someone, you should protect your fellow writer from the cops. there are alot of people on this forum i don't like very much, but the last thing i would do is lead the cops to their door. the same should go for you. we've already got alot of forces working against us, but when you've got to worry about your fellow writer putting you in jail, we're all fucked


:cool: cool man cool,i apologize for any previous times i have exposed a spot,it won't happen again,

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