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I blew a few guys last night....


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Who got the absolute snot beat out of them.


Moral of the story: When Brazil is playing Australia, and your watching the game INAustralia dont be a moron and cheer when Brazil scores against them? Seriously you're an imigrant refugee who isnt even Brazilian no doubt taking advantage of our social benefits and your rooting for those buck tooth, wild haired fat cunts?


Its ok to be racist, because im ethnic.

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Re: I saw a few guys last night....


guess what' date=' we don't give a fuck about soccer. yay brazil austraila sucks[/quote']

yer australia sucks i meen how could a country like that beat brazil, i hope with croatia they kik australias dole blugin ass lol

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Re: I saw a few guys last night....




so im white and its not ok?


Of course not.


Ps- Australia played a good game against the world champions drawing in the first half and eating a bullshit goal.


PPS- Croatia? Haha they couldnt even score against japan (a country we well cained) It wont happen.

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Re: I saw a few guys last night....


omg mind meltdown i would totally kick your ass


OMG!- Painting from at least 2002 and still below a level where people could call you toy.


Dont you have some fans to throw in the air and cars to pretend to be interested in fixing? Hick.

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