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they owe me money.


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My former employer owes me about 450 dollars in pay. I quit on them, and I never signed a contract to work with them. They are a fairly big company too. I have witnesses and I have copys of 90 percent of the emails and such involved. They will not respond.


First step is to send a certified letter right and certify my own on the same date and keep it sealed right?

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back on topic, i say it's a good thing that whenever somebody has a problem, whether it be some girl giving them aids and whether or not he should go to the doc's to legal advice, 12oz comes number one in the help.

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there's some bitch that owed nme $2 that kept avoiding me.. i'd see her in bars around town. I lectured her on how to treat people.


i got my money.


then i gave it back... it was the principle, not the cahs (no pun intended)

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