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When are you faggots going to get your own style and stop BITING MY SHIT???? Fucking toys...

Wanna be FC, but NEVER will... Cant be DASH ZAME RISK so they try to copy and write dase bame and rist... SUCKERSSSSSS Bame you little bitch you even try to bite the hands off of my BBoys.. and Dase Rist biting all the letters from DASH VIEW TEAL ... you are all an embarrasment to graff. fucking toy ass wanna be's... Fucking Internet jockers, sweating to be down you make me sick.

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Dear Dash,

While you hate on us regulary, your crew members still dig our shit and keep letting us know so.

Unfortunelty they are afraid of you so don't do that so often like they used to, but they still do. If they think its dope, and don't call it bitin, I think it speaks for itself.


Do I need to remind you Risk told you he wants to put us down with IBM one day? Without us even askin!

You probably remember.


And we don't wanna be down with no crew. We are AFK

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This shit is ill. I know the hebrew letters from when I used to go to hebrew school, so it's cool that I can recognize the letters in your pieces. Post more stuff in hebrew. I think I'm going to try and learn to speak it soon since I already know the characters, and seeing the tags and pieces in hebrew is really great man. Keep up the good work.


P.s. Fuck the haters. Not every jewish person supports Isreal blindly like some of you would like to think.

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Yeah, are those script letters? I have another question, sorry. Since most of the tags and pieces I see don't have the vowels under the letters, how do you know what it says? Like couldn't this (I just picked random letters, couldn't find final mem):




Be Gam or Gahm or Gim or Geem or Goom or Gohm? How do you know?

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whel first of all there are some pieces in hebrew with NIKUD (the vowels)


and its probably Gam but it can be Gem

goom is גום

gim is גים


and we are used to it... we know the words..

and if it is not a real word we guess..




can be Ashah or Esheh... but we know it is Ashah...

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Dear Dash,

While you hate on us regulary, your crew members still dig our shit and keep letting us know so.

Unfortunelty they are afraid of you so don't do that so often like they used to, but they still do. If they think its dope, and don't call it bitin, I think it speaks for itself.


Do I need to remind you Risk told you he wants to put us down with IBM one day? Without us even askin!

You probably remember.


And we don't wanna be down with no crew. We are AFK


Ok, your entire generation hides behind this "HATING" label. When some one calls you out on a flagrant violation, it is not hating, it is just stating the obvious truth. There was a time before the internet, when you had to deal with the people you violated against in person. A time when writing graff was not even an option for you and your crew of biters. You can fool all the uninformed youngsters out there, but any props you recieve from them are meaningless.


When we want someone to have our style, we teach them ourself and put them down in FC. This was the case with your heros TEAL VIEW DUB etc etc..


What makes you BITERS is that you search online for all out shit, haunt the websites like you did on PURE GRAFFITI, study our letters and even characters, to the tee and the atempt to duplicate our style. Meanwhile you are not even remotely connected to any of us in any way. In any country or era of graff, this is simply BITING.


If any member of my crew has even bothered to reply to you it is to get you off our back already, because you all are uncontrolable JOCKERS who feverishly STALK us on AIM, MYSPACE, and PURE GRAFFITI with PM's begging to "Learn" from us, and sweating for OUTLINES.


When Risk mentioned Jokingly that "Yo, we gonna have to put them Isreal kids down with IBM soon, ha ha ha, they biting our shit hard", It was just that... a JOKE. We laughed, and said "Yeah, they out of control". He was not aware of your track record, and even assumed you were friends of TEAL. After that he deleted you all from myspace, and yet, you all continue to jock anyone who you even think may be remotely affiliated with FC.


You are a crew of clowns with no self respect and no regard for the years of work that writers put in to achieve a legacy in this game. We didn't work hard for years developing our style so some no-name group of jocking toys from across the planet could go online and try to assimilate our shit.


If you toys were within reach, trust me you would not be doing what you are doing, but Graffiti keeps makeing the world smaller, so eventually one of you bitches will cross my path, so use your brain and get your own style before that happens and save yourself some humiliation, wasted paint, and bodily harm.


And for any curious viewers, just go dig up the old FAME CITY thread on http://www.puregraffiti.com where there was over 100 pages of FC photos, and witness how the afk bitches started their strange obsession with our crew.


So before you give these toys any props, first realize that they are raping the style of TEAL, VIEW2, DASH, RISK, WEST and the rest of the FC and FBA crews.

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i guess that if people wanted to talk to there friends over the internet without saying anything significant about graff they would write on tapuz or hydepark...


now for flix














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yo everyone I am going to be in tel aviv on snday and monday night trying to get up and hit the streets, im in jerusalem tonite and was in tel aviv today, people are definitely holding it down but wheres all the fills at? someone hit me up on a pm just trying to meet up with some people and see what is going on round here, favorite shit ive seen so far is the hands that look like a cartoon rooster....holla at me

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