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Time Travel and Body Swapping. If only we could do such a thing.


If you go forward in time and kill some one and then go back in time are you a murderer?


or how bout this:


If you swap bodys with a friend and do his wife did she commit adultry?



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A) only in yuor own mind I guess since it would be a future event and...










::Error Message=weighty philosophical issues presented so late in day has generated a system overload. please shut down computer for 15 hours and re-boot on following work day::


Lens over and out

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Q Mar "If you swap bodys with a friend and do his wife

did she commit adultry?"



Yeah, I did have those fantasiesss, when I was 7.


But since it is so infuckingcomprehensible that we are living an

unquestioned existance on a planet in an unknow universe with an inexplicable

history its totaly acceptaple to ask such questions.



Personaly I dont have any boring perversions like, bondage, role play etc...



But I'd sure as fuck like to fuck off back in time (as me) (but in my younger body)

and drill that fuck'n fat hoop of my mothers friend who babysat me when I

was 11--12, fuck.n bitch needed it. But that was 1983.

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I could give a fuck about body swapping. I just want my own life back.

Check this shit out. This is what I'd be doing in another life.


The FUTURE ART of Visionary Philosopher/Designer Laffoley has been here for Decades! His creations are evolutionary machines, techno-organic devices, group mind interfaces, and other devices imported from the near-future to help maintain the future-present.Laffoley's ingenuity is without parallel. Immensely detailed thought symmetries, bioengineered living structures, methods of creating time-machines and dimensional wormholes are just the beginning!

Since analysis and discussion of these works is just beginning online - We have prepared some detailed scans of a few of Paul Laffoley's contributions to the Great Work of the Ages. His works are hyper-conceptual and super-articulated so be prepared to ponder. The Future is here now and it's ours to create: So let us make it utopia, ok?

This first one is the core of the 2012 time-machine, the LEVOGYRE. The Levogyre is a gyroscopic device which produces mechanical levitation and time dilation.</b>


Levogyre detial from THANATON III


Top panel of : The LEVOGYRE

The levogyre is composed of spherical diamond layers, with frictionless superconducting liquid between them. The Shells are connected by the energy from electromagnets arranged in two interlocking logarithmic fibonacci-series spirals. This arrangement transfers torque and spin from the larger outer layers to the increasingly rapidly spinning smaller shperes toward the center. In the exact center of the Levogyre time/space/matter/mind and energy merge into a structured singularity as the speed of light is exceeded.


Detail from: The Living Klein-Bottle House of Time

Since time is considered by many scientists as a mental phenomenon or an artifact of perception and memory, Laffoley says that the time-machine will necessarily be a singularity generator with a direct-brain/mind interface. I dont have the full details but Paul Laffoley has mapped some of the possible ramifications of having an operating time-machine. In one showing of his works he gave the basic outline:

The Time of The Light:

the Bauharoque: 2000-2049 A.D. The Clear Future

The Nature of Time-Space after the existence of the Time Machine: 2013 A.D.

deals with the Time Machine, the talent of going back and forth in time.

The Time of The Dark:

The Bauharoque: 2050-2099 A.D. The Opaque Past

The Nature of Space-Time after the existence of the Time Machine (Perpetualmotion: 2063 A.D.)

deals with The Space Machine, with higher and lower dimensions than the ones we usually exist in.


I'll try to devote the next time-machine bulletin to GEOCHRONMECHANE another time-control device by Laffoley. It's beyond time for him to become widely recognized for his contributions and their transformational power. Not only as 'fine art' but as new maps to positive futures which are desperately needed by humanity! thanks and love, miqel & valis (Laffoley profile admin)

paul_laffoley_archive_project.html Help End History! Click Here to Support the Laffoley Online Archive Project

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You know what'd be fucked up?


Imagine if you went back in time to when you were a little child, and then proceeded to rape the kid version of yourself. So as you're raping yourself, all the horrible memories of being raped as a kid suddenly come flooding into your mind, as well as the realization that the stranger that raped you when you were a kid was in fact yourself.


I just popped a raging boner.

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What about the grandfather paradox?


"Suppose you travelled back in time and killed your biological grandfather before he met your grandmother. Then you would never have been conceived, so you could not have traveled back in time after all. In that case, your grandfather would still be alive and you would have been conceived, allowing you to travel back in time and kill your grandfather, and so on."


This type of thing makes me believe time travel is not possible. And if it is, it has already happened and not happened, and none of us can tell. Catch my drift?


Another interesting one is the Omnipotence complex, which can basically be summed up in a Homer Simpson quote: "Can god microwave a burrito so hot that even he can not eat it?" Well, he could, because he can create anything. But then again, he can eat anything, so....


Yeah, that also contributes to me not believing in god.




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You know what'd be fucked up?


Imagine if you went back in time to when you were a little child, and then proceeded to rape the kid version of yourself. So as you're raping yourself, all the horrible memories of being raped as a kid suddenly come flooding into your mind, as well as the realization that the stranger that raped you when you were a kid was in fact yourself.


I just popped a raging boner.


Wow, pedophelia on grown ups you know and dislike would be the new office sport! Bitch got mouthy so I went back in time and raped her as a child! But then... EVERYONE would get child raped sometime. It would just happen, everyone pisses people off sometimes and then you're child raped... Maybe then the pedophiles would win... or Maybe people would be nicer to each other... ...nah, the other thing, the pedophiles.

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What about the grandfather paradox?


This type of thing makes me believe time travel is not possible. And if it is, it has already happened and not happened, and none of us can tell. Catch my drift?


What about time travel in one direction only, seems totally feasable. If time slows nearer the speed of light, then even near light speed for the passage of several minutes of 'your time' should result in the passage of hundreds of years for everything else... of course you might also be way the fuck out in some jerkwater section of the universe as well...

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what is this pedophilia night?

one thing about 12oz is yall will beat a joke into the ground. fucking pedophilia politics. the fuck kinda shit is that.... raping yourself... whatever happened to warning yourself of the bullshit your about to encounter or the possible good shit coming your way? i think mammero just wants attention... lol

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Yeah I don't even think time travel is really too plausible since time is really only the energy of our matter progressing through time and space. So really we are not talking about altering time, we are talking about altering physics and reality itself.....

but hey paul laffoley is talking about some warp zone shit, even if it only ultimately rips us into particles it's an interesting concept.

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