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you know who i could do without?

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i found out my prom date had a boyfriend half way through prom. I had her home promptly at 10pm. I then returned to my jr prom and got wasted and sexed up at some after parties. I didnt go to my senior prom. But I did go directly to the after parties. I have no regrets about anything. ever.

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My Junior prom was mad fun, we got all kinds of fucked up and I got some premium pussy


Tonight is what shoulda been my senior prom, but since I don't go the school anymore I'm just a guest...won't stop me from actin like I own the place

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Prom on a tuesday night? What the fuck?


Yeah...they're done with school already so I guess they figure any night is fine. I went, shit was fun, and I got out of havin to pay for my ticket but nothin cool popped off after, sucks havin a girlfriend you don't cheat on. Really limits the late night possibilities sometimes

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