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I didnt know my history, that's my own stupidity.

Rage and all the cats who knew CELO, my bad.

For CELO, the only cat who it should matter to, no disrespect meant I've heard you were a crazy good artist.


And to anyone who's going to black out every one of my pieces; the tracks run two ways.



Mad props to Cas an Verse for that crazy wall.


Is this supposed to change something about what you did?

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yea, you should switch up and learn soccer. cuz im pretty sure others will be kicking field goals with your skull on site. CELO is a respected name in ct history. your lack of knowledge only shows your adolesents in the game. Quit while youre ahead. Dead or not, you did a horrible mess over a full color piece. As they say on the interwebs


"Youre doin it wrong"



Damn kid got put in his place..

Well done my friend.

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I didnt know my history, that's my own stupidity.

Rage and all the cats who knew CELO, my bad.

For CELO, the only cat who it should matter to, no disrespect meant I've heard you were a crazy good artist.


And to anyone who's going to black out every one of my pieces; the tracks run two ways.



Mad props to Cas an Verse for that crazy wall.


but thats your first problem., if you ever wanted to get somewhere in graff, you HAVE to know your history before you go out and paint and you didnt and you made a mistake thats unforgivvable

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i go into my windows picture manager and you can resize or compress photos that are too large to fit the format that you need for "web" images. now i don't have a clue why some of my pics are bigger than others or how too make them bigger but i know they have to be size 800 x 800 pixels and less than 100 KB other than that its prob all about what setting you shot the pic on your camera with hope this helps

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i think if you take the picture on a lower resolution on your camera like 12m as opposed to like a 16:9 setting which is like for HD, when you go to compress it for a web image you can still have it be large because your not using as many pixels, might loose a little clarity but still gets the point across

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I didnt know my history, that's my own stupidity.

Rage and all the cats who knew CELO, my bad.

For CELO, the only cat who it should matter to, no disrespect meant I've heard you were a crazy good artist.


And to anyone who's going to black out every one of my pieces; the tracks run two ways.



Mad props to Cas an Verse for that crazy wall.


I'll just sit back and wait for YF to take care of you hahahahahahaha.


also, for editing pics: just bootleg photoshoop, or bust out the MS Paint. Photobucket can also resize pictures for posting, so can flickr.


and bump those gelis...

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Yo what was goin down in the ally the night near that shindig The crazy dude with the I gets food vest? Id love to know whoever the fuck was spinnin shit was wiild


It was "Neon Leather Drip" and no one was spinning, As far as I could tell all the beats/background music was coming from an ipod or a laptop..

The noise block that followed that set was the highlight of the whole day

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