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west coast trainzzz.


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I went to a yard a while back and did a couple throws on a couple different cars. Well the next day when I came back to flick shit Bones painted next to me and Haiku was on another train. I caught a marker tag on the train Haiku did, and Bones buffed it out in that color and put up an accept tag. I don't know accept, so I went back over my shit and crossed his shit out. Well, the next day I get a pvt message from someone here on 12oz. and it was bones. He was appologizing for going over that tag and let me know it was just a big misunderstanding. No beef ever came outta it, he just thought I was someone else. ANywho just wanted to explain myself before looking like a complete asshole.

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how wak.... and this is the argument all the time. graffiti is self promotion. right.. but graffiti is an act of painting to self promote yourself. not posting your pictures on the internet. thats just plain toy. look at me, look at me, ...i painted these trains and want everyone to see them now. be real, take your flicks and keep them to yourself. let your trains roll and let others post them if they think they are dope. thats whats really up.. cheap internet fame isn't anything. remember that anyone who knows anything about graf knows who's out there and actually putting in work.


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Im just gonna leave this one alone. Everyone has their veiws and opinions on this topik I guess. Shit......as long as trains are runnin, people will see......so I will leave it at that. Let em' ride and I keep thos flikkers to myself.

....Oh yeah.......bump for Musket. That kat had at least 20 trains in one yard.

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