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Which Crew(s) Would You Like To See Put Out a DVD?


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I think there's a lot of graffiti crews that are simply amazing.


I'd like to see the following crews put out their own DVD's to amaze and wow us with their hidden nocturnal talent (or broad daylight if you're a nut)


Oh, and if some of the following have a dvd out already, my bad. I just started wasting money on graffiti dvds lately.


-TATS Crew


-KUK (I am sure there is some ill footage out there of Abhor, SLeaze, DCAT, DETH, etc... that got seized for the big case in SF against them)



-Waiting for WAR4


Keep it going folks....who would YOU like to see get their shit together and release a kick ass dvd?


P.S. I think WAR3 could have been a lot better without all the bullshit nudity.

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