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Would you agree that graffiti used to be much more of a gateway to crime say ten years ago? These days the majority of newer writers are more than happy being legal eagles and day spot queens.


At least it should push people to keep trying new styles...




Unfortunately graff more than ever has become a popularity contest, and I guess writers don't feel they need to get up when they can post a throwup on Instagram and become an instant sensation.

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Would you agree that graffiti used to be much more of a gateway to crime say ten years ago? These days the majority of newer writers are more than happy being legal eagles and day spot queens.


At least it should push people to keep trying new styles...


Interesting thought guess in the 90s you had to worry about getting rolled for your air max and/or your paint and getting stabbed with heroin filled syringes!

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I wouldn't have done half the bad shit I've done if it weren't for graffiti relations. I can't see too many of the younger writers having the same stories in 15 years time as some people do now is all.


Probably a good thing. Fuck knows.




most of them won't be around when the next trend comes along. There are a fuck load of young writers these days compared to what there was 10 years ago, but the percentage of those who are consistently active is on a massive decline, I guess its like everything in life, when cunts have everything at their fingertips they take it for granted.


As for style, now that it's basically acceptable to directly bite, and even in some cases (Cekios) it's praised provided you know your way around a can, a lot of writers are skipping the whole progression phase and just picking out a style they like, in most cases whatever is popular at the time, and running with it.

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