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Any Douche that tags a mural is a Toy..plain and simple that goes for ugh too.. Just reiterates what has Been said "Just cause your up doesnt mean your not a toy"


your a fucking faggot. ugh is dope, and you probably jock the crew that he founded. jeab is up as fuck and has a dope style. im going out a limb here, but you probably dont get up, so shut the fuck up and go paint a mural you fucking art fag. TMR: we say faggot alot. :rolleyes:

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your a fucking faggot. ugh is dope, and you probably jock the crew that he founded. jeab is up as fuck and has a dope style. im going out a limb here, but you probably dont get up, so shut the fuck up and go paint a mural you fucking art fag. TMR: we say faggot alot. :rolleyes:


you guys also tag murals repeatedly. bump that.


fuck you stupid art fags. stop fronting like you have morale fiber. and nibl sucks. so did that mural. get over it. and fuck if hes on VRS, being on a crew doesnt necessarily make you good, it just means you have friends.

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its funny how in every thread on 12oz people talk about who is good and who is wack..

the flics got posted. either give the writer some bumps or don't say anything. having discussions or arguments over who is better is so pointless. everything in life is a matter of opinion. what do you think makes "yours" so important?

it doesn't matter what you think about who is writing what. real writers don't do graf to show off on 12oz. they put in work and get respect. before 12 oz there was real shit happening and writers got respect because others writers saw their shit up or rolling..this stupid website just started a bunch of useless talk from a large percentage of kids that dont even write.. its just blah blah blah. all day, all night.



word i can feel wut u gettin at man

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lol i noticed something when we start arguin it seems like the flicks either slow down or get really gay like oddio and lard-ass and u kids who actually contribute r punishin us mayn for bickerin like whoa


no what happens is the pages get spread out with this bullshit argueing about who is and isnt wack and other stupid shit


let people have theyre opinions makes them feel like they are speciale5cyippee.gif

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i helped paint that mural when i was a kid. it's a shitty mural. it was shitty when a bunch of elementary and middle school kids painted it and it's shitty now. i would've bombed that garbage if i wrote back then. there are certain "rules" that most writers follow, which are pretty much basic sense, but the whole spirit of writing involves breaking rules. beef usually starts when people break one of these cardinal rules. no matter how dumb somebody thinks that rule is, someone else still considers it a rule. i'm no graffiti expert and i'm not about to write down a list of rules, but i know a few writers and they all have different opinions on what is and isn't okay.

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it means you dont have any respect for the people who put time and effort into painting it. and in turn..you gets no respect. ya dig


why should you have respect for them and not every other property owner whos shit you write on? graffiti is not about respecting people obviously. i personally think jeab is an asshole for going over the mural on alberta, but how the fuck is anyone that does graffiti going to judge him for it. besides, he got your attention and that is the point so props to him for that.

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